Valley girl's playlist!

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Created by OnePlusYou
Created by OnePlusYou

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Personal Visitors, round two!

Test: check! most important things taken care of FIRST, always! haha and beautiful sunset!
Rodney? it was fate!
Famous Giovanni's! Even a hot dog sounded good after the caf! haha
My mom brought us "American" food! hotel!!!! :)

Sooooooo excited to have my family here!! This morning, i woke up to texts from them saying they were already on there way! we went to class-Hula was extra intense today-she made us learn... and FINISH an entire dance! Whoa there Auntie! haha we went to D&C and then took our midterm! did a lot better than New Testament haha i was hoping for my first and probably only 100% because it seemed really easy-he basically gave us the answers in class-but i was one away dang it! haha not gonna happen in my lifetime :( Jaymee has two new nicknames to her name: 72 and stalky-haha cuz today after we checked our mail, we went to our rooms to pack and i asked if she was ready and no answer. So, i walked over and she was on YOUtube doing a little stalking on the PCC boys hahaha not really... well she says... haha just kidding! we love her!! we sat around and attempted New Testament reading until my family came! we showed them the "place," cuz there's SO much of that dorm room to see and headed off to Giovanni's shrimp van! Total garlic. haha we watched the sunset and hung outside for a while when we got to Turtle Bay! then, we had a little girl talk about all the men in our lives haha not really! showed my mom some pictures and then called it a night! class tomorrow and thursday and then we're off for a long, good weekend! i really might consider staying here-everyone is! haha i love my family, my friends, my life, and MY RODNEY :) haha

1 comment:

  1. Make sure you remember us pee-ons over here while your family visits! I want to see all the fun things you are doing!!! i can cry myself to sleep at night :( LOL Totally kidding, i like Utah. I would cry if i were in Hawaii for more than a day i'm sure of it. I'm such a homebody! Lame i know.
