Valley girl's playlist!

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Created by OnePlusYou

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Sunrise on the beach and bus entertainment-Life is going good!

"What SPF do you wear?" (-I'll kill you!) Chelle had TOO much fun at the beach today.
Me n' my boy Sharky!!!!
How do you expect us to test well when you see THIS view out the window!!!?
Buying breakfast! Watching the sunset, pouring rain, where's the boys???
off-campus?? there goes the caf attire! bus ride to the city :)
pals. with our hair pick gifts :) Best nail painter eva!
Just got back from the city! We hit up some goooood deals at Ala Moana-every store was having a sale i swear! Victoria's Secret hit the spot with the semi-annual sale :) haha We woke up bright and early this morning 5 a.m., headed to Foodland and got some muffins and orange juice and went to the beach to watch the sunrise. It was a little cloudy-it has been raining randomly lately-but it was still cool to see! It was beautiful! Chelle didn't join us due to some uhhhh... sun difficulties haha, so we will definitely go again! We came home, got ready, sacked our breakfast and lunch, changed into our "off-campus"/"anywhere else, but caf" attire, and headed to the bus stop! First timers on the "bus" for many of us! haha and, it was quite the experience-weren't let down AT ALL! The way there, we fell asleep basically the entire time. Did a little shopping and headed home-it's amazing how much you can get in when you wake up bright and early! On our way home is where all the entertainment came in! First of all, the smell. There was this aroma-more like stench-of baby powder, mixed with BO, mixed with cigarette smoke, mixed with "never showered for 3 months smell"-we would know since we just LOVE showers haha jk Jaymee really does! And, among all that, we were getting carsick from stopping so many times along the way-it took like an hour and a half! The ride home was too funny to fall asleep. Shortly after we got on the bus, the lady sitting behind Whit and Kylie started freaking out cuz she thought the lady sitting next to her was too fat and should've bought two bus tickets for herself! Yeah, pretty darn mean i'd say-plus, she had NO room to talk since she wasn't too slim herself! haha After that little incident, we could barely stop laughing-i videoed a little bit of it trying to be careful to not get charged with "invasion of privacy" or something! The man sitting across from Me, Chelle, and Jaymee was in a wheelchair and looked like he hadn't shower in weeks-maybe even months-poor thing! For some reason he reminded me of a friend's dad if he went homeless hahaha! Oh, and can't forget the friendly fella-wish we would've got his name! I guess he was on the bus to Honolulu that morning, so he was happy to say hello when he got on the bus. He took a picture for us and then went and sat with the poor "fat lady!" He was so sweet! He pulled out five hair picks he had handmade and gave one to each of us-so thoughtful! He even made sure the longest hair got the longest pick and everything-he must've really thought that one out! He was so happy that we loved them! He kept saying how he loved giving things to people-he mentioned he'd given away a ton before to the lady and he had like six left! So, our experience on the bus was fab! Can't wait to go back! I categorized the people into 4 main groups that i think sum it up pretty well: the "friendly farts!", the ipod-goers who don't say a word to anyone, the "outspoken ornery" type who let everyone know how bad their day-and life for that matter-really is, and the "mediocres," who are like us-don't say much, but will be friendly and talk to anyone who talks to us! haha So, after our wonderful day of shopping and bus rides, it was still only 5ish when we got back-we had the WHOLE night to go! We did some laundry, went to dinner, painted our nails-Jaymee messed hers up and was a little upset haha ("just don't look too close, or at the left hand!" Man, the things boys have to miss out on!), and then went and cheered up Whitney-bad day at work! To top it off, we went out for some pizza-at the ENTIRE thing! haha Ughhh i'd say it was better than the caf, and the caf is hard to beat... haha NOT! It was the BEST!! $9.99 for that big of a pizza-i think we should do it more often!!! We got some ice cream-again! haha kinda embarrassing cuz we see the exact same people every time we go-just about our whole entire school-so they probably think we are obsessed, cuz we are! We walked home and watched an episode of the first season of Friends and called it a night-we were sooooo exhausted-i mean 5:00 a.m. is pretty early!! Friday was also a classic. haha We spent the day at the beach. Well, first of all we took of the "more important" thing-shcool! We went and did our weight training, ate some breakfast at the caf, studied a little more, did some "positive thinking" exercises, and took our test. We did.... uhhh alright! haha I think everyone struggled with it-that's what we've "heard!" Then, we went to the beach! It was overcast so we didn't feel like we were getting too much-but as they always say-we SURE did! haha Chelle's face got just a little :) haha We played catch in the sand and headed home to get al jiggy for the dance! We walked to Subway in the pooring rain cuz the caf just wasn't sounding too good for some reason! We got three foot longs for $5 and ate every bite of them-first time i think i've ever done that! haha The dance..... starting off, only half of us were "modest" enough to get in. Who'd a thought showing your KNEE CAPS was such a turn on? haha seriously though, it's kinda crazy-girls get in with other things hanging out, but if their dresses or shorts don't hit BELOW the kneecap, there is no mercy-with the caf or dance i guess! We've found out how to pull down the dress and stead a little forward-and we are pretty darn modest i'd say-garments would NOT be hanging out to say the least! haha And, sad thing for the tall ones! No big deal, just very strict! After changing we headed back! We were hoping C.C., J.W., or maybe even Hot-Rod would be there but it was 0-3 dang it! We shoulda known-only the freshman and Sophomore's go to that... and the older guys being "sugar daddies!" We totally busted up the dance floor and even had to take LOTS of breaks cuz it was so dang hot and our little paper bowls weren't doing so well as fans! Then, at the ice cream table.............we saw SHARKY!!!! (bike boy) haha Chelle pointed him out to me and i tried to remember his face cuz i didn't see him that night! We wanted a picture with him, so i went over and told him to come dance haha little awkward, but we got the picture!! Afterwards, we had plans to go skinny dipping or something crazy, but Leo was there by our sides, so we decided to REALLY go back to the dorms! haha Once again, classic weekend.

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