Valley girl's playlist!

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Created by OnePlusYou
Created by OnePlusYou

Monday, June 7, 2010

Brother & Sisters Aloha... ALLLOOOHHHAAA!!

Sunday stroll to the Laie Temple Visitors Center
Jurassic Park on the beach! Me and my girl Tauva!
Today was our first day at church here in Hawaii--it was great! It was fast Sunday so we were able to hear the uhhhhmazzing testimonies of students--that have came from all walks of life.. What also comes with fast Sunday is the fasting...DUN DUN DUUNNNNN. It was good tho--to take our minds off our bellies we walked to the Laie Temple and it was B_E_A_utiful! We will add pics soon! After our Sunday stroll it was time to EAT...hallelujah! :) The cafeteria was filled to the roof with all the students--everyone was starvin (we werent the only ones) haha. While waiting in line we met the cutest girl--Tauva--she is from Samoa...she and Al completely clicked! Naturally, Allie wanted Tauva to teach her something in Samoa--so she taught her "Talofa o a maioi?" = "Hello, how are you?" And we cant remember the rest..haha! But it was great! After dinner we hit up the 17th Ward's break the fast--where we met boyyzzz--and some cute ones we will see where things go with that (we'll keep you updated) ha! :) Then after all the eating we decided to head to the beach and watch Jurassic Park (we heard part of Jurassic Park was filmed in Hawaii--so we had to watch it!) on the laptop! It was perfect--except we kinda got distracted by passing friends and didnt finish it! Once we got our Jurassic Park fix satisfied we headed home! So lonnng story short--it was the perfect first Sunday we could ask for! Cant wait to see what next Sunday brings :) Over && Out XoXo

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