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Created by OnePlusYou

Friday, July 2, 2010

Birthday's should happen more often! Chelle is 19!!!!

Weight training-workout!!! starting a day early :)
Tubing! :) Skinny dipping anyone!?

Oooo kiss? haha Bird poop on her birthday???

I think today was my favorite so far! haha It started out at 12:00 a.m. let's just say we went crazy! it was chelle's first time being 19, so we had to celebrate the HUGE gap of being a kid and immature to being so mature and wiser too! we decided to go to the ocean, 12:01 came around and we were freaking out! haha had to skinny dip at least ONCE before we left, so we decided why not here-perfect place and timing! haha pretty sure we are WIMPS though! ran in, ran out and called it good! haha i was runnin in while everyone had already ran out and i'm the most open person here i swear haha we kept freaking ourselves out! plus, who goes scuba-diving at 12:00 a.m. with lights on the forehead!?? haha seriously. once we got back to the room, all salty from the ocean, we showered and Chelle fell right asleep-just as planned! then, the party started!!!! haha and the birthday girl didn't even know it! Me and Jaymee did some INTENSE decorating with homemade signs-C.C. facebook pics and all-haha creeps i know! i think we have learned about some wonderful resources here-especially Jaymee! so, the funny thing is, is that when i went to go print them off on Monday, uhhhh yeah, the printer ran out of ink-of course! it only had three more to print and they were probably the most creepy out of all of them, so whoever replaced the ink and found them printed out might realize they were actually on the sign to wish her happy birthday-especially C.C. is who we were worried about finding it! haha well, i hope nothing major happened! i printed the last three on black & white! we put up streamers and wore our party hats and took pics-even with the sleeping birthday girl too! we woke up this morning to Chelle laughing hard! haha we got ready and headed to class for the day! my mom and sisters came to Hula and got the "Auntie Char" experience! we all sang to Michelle at the end of class for the 2nd time so far-first as we rushed into my parent's room for some breakfast and headed out cuz we were late! she gave us the little lecture on being safe this weekend and to call her cell phone if we were ever stuck somewhere and needed a ride-haha i just love her-"little mother hen!" we packed, went to the caf-Leo and Elan made a little birthday cake with the caf's dessert and we all sang "happy birthday" again-Chelle just LOVES the attention haha jk! did i mention we saw Raj and Di Hou AND Tina-haha wow, we were on a roll and they all signed Chelle's birthday card and wished her a happy birthday on camera-how'd we get so lucky, it made our day! we went to D&C and then headed off to the PCC. I think i could just stay at the PCC all day, every day and not get bored! and good thing our season passes make that possible!!! we watched the canoe dancers, ate a little chicken snack, watched Tonga's show-don't worry that SHARK BOY was there!!! haha once we saw him, we laughed, and i went and sat on the ground. all a sudden i hear this hiss and look over and he's smiling big waiving at me-hahaha so much for asking him to dance with us at the dance so we could get a picture with him too-now he probably thinks i like him! haha my mom was like "Allie, no not him!!" haha i think he creeped her out a little bit cuz he kept looking over at me! hahaha we went to Samoa too and wow there is a HUNK there! he was ripped, "bronze", and Poly :) we were in heaven and my ultimate zoom came in hand-again, as always! my mom has her "connections" and somehow got HIM-the CUTE one to call Chelle up on stage as we sang "happy birthday" to her and he KISSED her keep and gave her a lei and headband thing! ahhhhhhh :) haha she got called up to drink the coconut juice too! we went to the Luau and ate some yummy pork and Tarro roles-Mmm! Jake was there and danced :) haha we got a picture with him and he was so embarrassed to be dancing-he was so good though! we went to the show and it was nothing short of AMAZING again! i think i held my breathe again haha Chelle and Jaymee kept laughing at me cuz they knew i was in heaven, and i was! haha i've always had a weakness, but being here with all these good looking Poly men is NOT helping haha and now, it's rubbing off on Jaymee and Chelle! we were all fine until Whitney brought up the boy craziness!! haha in paradise with no boys?? jk we got our stuff and headed "home!" we had family prayer and then Chelle opened up her birthday presents! Jaymee gave her..... a cute Forever 21 bracelet that she wanted, caf leftovers hahahaha, and a "doll face" card since she thinks Chelle looks like a porcelain doll haha she worked hard on that photoshop! i gave her a V-girl necklace and tennis skirt... we threw a HUGE party! Party-goers? Allie, Jaymee, and Chelle herself! where? our hotel room! how long? until the lady next door came and knocked on our door to be quiet! haha are you stinking kidding me it was 10:30!!!! we took some more pics, ate some "caf snacks" from our brown lunch sacks (Jaym said: "it's not a party, if there's no Doritos!" as she ate her bag of doritos haha), Jaymee FINALLY added J.W. as a FB friend-knew she would listen to us, now she just needs to cave in with letting us say something to him haha and then we called it a night! wow-great day! i think birthday's should happen more often! then again, that was only today! like my Dad said and will really make sure happens: "it's her birthday day, week, and month for that matter" so we will be celebrating long and hard! it started yesterday at lunch-Turtle Bay's golf resort hamburgers hit the spot! Chelle got a birthday mud pie and cookie ice cream deal-y-o! we even saw "Elder and Sister" Eubanks and said hi-he is so personable! my dad had a funny idea of just surrounding there table hahaha but we didn't! that morning, we had to wake up and go to class-weight training and then New Testament (i guess we all stunk on the test, so he had to curve up-haha yeah!). we headed off to Waimea for the day to lay out and snorkel. we stopped on our way at a Foodland to get us some ghetto water shoes and beach stuff! haha we were looking so fly with our nice water shoes! Me, Chelle, and Jaym went out snorkeling and got wayyyyy out there that my mom was worried and all the sudden we hear them calling my name haha! don't they know my middle name is "Dangerous!" jk we headed back in and it took FOREVER! we laid out a bit and then left to Shark's cove! we did some more snorkeling and it was soooo cool! there were so many fish-crazy to think that there are things out there, and so many of them compared to you! wow-crazy!! we saw tons of fish and those stinkin sea urchent things! we brushed the sand off and headed to Hale Iwa for Joe's seafood and grill! it was very yummy and Michelle got ANOTHER birthday treat! haha my dad is for sure in his "vacation" mode and he cracks us all up! we are enjoying life! i love having my family here-we feel like kids again, and my family is right there with us haha!!

1 comment:

  1. You guys are the BEST! Chelle is so lucky to be with you guys on her BDay, thanks for making it so special for her! Wish me and Britt could have been there skinny dipping with you crazy girls!

    Love ya
