Valley girl's playlist!

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Created by OnePlusYou

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Blog worthy........ :)

Okay, this is totally "blog-able!" Today, we were in New Testament and I was getting out my pen to take notes and all the sudden screamed cuz I saw something in my bag! I looked closer and it was my sharks tooth necklace!!! hahaha So much for that "good buy!" It still is the best buy of the trip in my eyes-all $3 of it! Everyone else is so jealous, I just know it!


  1. really?? You screamed out loud? Over a necklace?? O Al i love you :) And miss you :) And hate you. Cause i'm jealous.

  2. O by the way i HATE sharks. My biggest fear by FAR. I can't even get in the dam for fear they are in there. So i prob would've yelled out too!
