Valley girl's playlist!

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Created by OnePlusYou
Created by OnePlusYou

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

And then there were three...

Hula skirts made custom by Auntie Char! Our showers!
Goodbye my rommie! :( Last drive!

Today was pretty "chill" I'd say. I have the worst headache right now and I'm thinking it could be a concussion from hitting my head so dang hard on my desk the other night haha dramatic I know. Ash finished packing and checking out and we moved all our furniture around so it feels a little more homey-didn't really know dorm rooms could feel "homey!" haha We went to go get some burgers for the last supper, but they stopped serving them at Turtle Bay's Golf Grill at 4:30 :( So, our salads did alright-Jaymee's tasted like fish she thought haha Should've never told her they make caesar dressing out of anchovy paste! haha Then, Ash left us for home, well Laurie's for the night and they leave in the morning! :( There goes a part of us! haha Now, we are all in our rooms cuz this city goes to sleep at sunset-like 7:00 p.m.-c'mon people! haha Gotta love it!!! Another one bites the dust--We'll miss you Ash!

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