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Created by OnePlusYou

Sunday, June 13, 2010

5 for $10???

I'm upset. I want to go for a night swim right now and no one else will go with me :( They all look at me as if I'm a toddler wanting to get in the ocean without flooties. Gosh, I wish they knew how I felt. I had to vent somewhere, so I decided to blog-that always helps! Okay, maybe I'm making this a little more dramatic than it needs to be-just, life is SO hard! hahahaha jk Right now, we are all sitting on the couch skyping each other haha Practicing so we can Skype Jen, Erin, and our families tomorrow :) This morning, we woke up bright and early to go to the swap meet. Five hours of shopping haha crazy but we got some pretty good buys: We all bought ukuleles, me and Jaym got sarongs, Jerusalem Cruisers, Barack Obama "born in Hawaii" T-shirts for the 4th of July-so patriotic, I know!, T-shirts, Asian fans, Asian hats, and Asian umbrellas-the lady loved Me and Chelle, so she gave us free jewelry (pretty ugly, but the thought counted haha-she was like "Oh, you girls are so nice-everyone else is mean" a lady told her her purse was ugly earlier I guess haha), I found my baby blanket so I got one to put in my truso for my future kids haha (my mom threw mine away!), Puku shell necklaces, and the best buy of the entire thing--My Sharks tooth necklace!!!! If anyone tries to steal my $3 sharks tooth necklace I will be upset! Kinda like tonight with my caterpillar-I set it down and the next moment, it was gone :( "Bye 'catty', it was good watching you for a couple hours, hope whatever kid's hands you're in tonight, treat you well!" I wanted to watch it grow--in our dorm room! We went to California Pizza Kitchen afterwards and then came back to our hotel to lay out again :) We did go snorkeling-and this time, Chelle joined Me and Jaymee! Don't worry we made another video-"Snorkeling 102 with Allie, Jaymee, and guest Michelle!" Hopefully we got some rays cuz it was hot! We got ready and headed off to Ellie Emma's first birthday luau! A lot of work for a first birthday party-and she was about to fall asleep haha It was so cute-butterflies were everywhere-fake ones! We had pork and rice again :) We're surprised Jaymee didn't pull out her wrapped cafeteria bagel again cuz she doesn't like pork hahahaha! Well, Chelle said she'd come swimming with me, so TTYL :) haha

1 comment:

  1. "just another day in paradise" o how you bug me. i hate your stinkin guts. you are scum between my toes. LOL Luv ya :) And yes there is an option on your blog to have all comments emailed to you. Go to 'settings' then 'comments' then scroll all the way down and put in your email under 'comment notification email' Let me know if you can't figure it out.
