Valley girl's playlist!

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Created by OnePlusYou

Friday, June 4, 2010

First day = success!!

Ethan and Michelle: 6 Jingda and Allie: 4 Rematch?? :)

First day today and we met SOOOOOO many people! haha I can't even remember half the names: J.J. (took us "camping" on the beach, ate dinner with us, and walked us home!), Brett and Brandon drove us from the airport, taught us how to speak Pigeon and all about "glotterstoppers" or something haha, and theytold us what the best things are to do! They wanted us to go hike the stairway to heaven, but we backed out cuz we're exhausted and to go at 3 a.m. is pushing it haha we'll go another time and they are going to teach us how to be a "good swimmer" and maybe even surf! haha Connections already... going pretty well! Also, Lexi and Camille ate dinner with us-we picked them up cuz they looked like Freshman haha, now we're basically BFF's! Issa, Brianna, Maggie, Shane, and Kanden?- We sat around on the beach and talked about our lives haha pretty deep, I know! We met this Asian kid with a Ukelele, skirt, and skateboard-quite the mix haha he was funny! So far, good day! We checked in and got all our stuff out! Chelle is kinda far away :( No sign of Tats yet! haha or Phebs! We went to dinner--let's just say we will NOT have to worry about gaining wait haha thank goodness they have PB and J's cuz those might save us! We signed up for Weight Training and Surfing-just have to decide which one now-and then went to the beach!!! It was so pretty with the stars and got dark way quick! haha We are wiped out! This four hour difference is a killer! Can't wait for tomorrow! We are going to sign up for NSO, get our ID (insurance and TB shot :( ), get books-finalize our schedule, go around campus (library and find classes) and go to the beach of course!! It was Jaymee's first time seeing the ocean tonight! And, being on a plane! haha big day for her! It still feels like a dream haha I'm sure it'll pick up once we get into the groove :) Mixed feelings, but we are SO EXCITED!! Rooms aren't as bad as everyone scarred us about haha I think we were expecting the very worst! Everyone keeps giving us things to do though, sounds like we will keep adding to the to do list! ALOHA! :)

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