Valley girl's playlist!

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Created by OnePlusYou
Created by OnePlusYou

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Shop till you DROP!

Today is worth the post! Same ol' same with school, except this time we REALLY worked hard in weight training! Probably cuz the teacher and Eric told us we were doing things wrong and put A TON more weight on everything we did haha I think I just need a personal trainer to help push me harder cuz it works a lot better! We headed to Pearl Ridge for a little last shopping trip for Ash! I gave in..... a lot! But, they were all good buys!! And, I didn't even get too mad when I couldn't buy everything I wanted like most times-definitely had some self-discipline this time! haha We stopped at California Pizza Kitchen (CPK) and then headed for FHE! Jaymee and Chelle were VERY happy this time... enough said there too! haha And, I am SOOOOOO glad I have a 12x zoom on my camera-it has come H-A-N-D-Y and everyone is so jealous of it! We played a "search for a dino" game and Me and Jaym were the last to spot it, so we have to bring treats next time! We had rootbeer floats and played the "sign" game! Jaymee's wast the best-a kiss hahaha! Especially when her "S.L." (code words here) had to do it back :) S.L.#2 left early! We came back and put away our treasures from the day! Ash started packing :( Tomorrow is her last day here... A little bummed! Last day with the car and her so we are going to fit as much as we can in!! :)

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