Valley girl's playlist!

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Created by OnePlusYou
Created by OnePlusYou

Friday, June 11, 2010

Ko Olina, or you can just call it our little.... "Exotic getaway!"

So, we had "complaints" about not being able to read our blog-won't name any names, you know who you are! hahaha jk we changed it up a little, so hope you like it-we still can't figure our how to center the title and all that though :( But, lookie now, we have eight followers haha just like a week ago we only had 3-each of us! Ash's parents, Frank and Tara, came in today, so after Hula and Doctrine & Covenants, we packed our bags and headed off to meet them--No class on Friday was the best decision yet! haha The hotel we are staying at is the nicest thing I have ever seen-when people talk about paradise or heaven, this is what I imagine haha I sure hope there is patios overlooking the ocean in heaven! :) Food: Uhhmmazing (as Tauva would say haha). We went to a Japanese place that had filet mignon, shrimp, calamari, sushi, you name it at a buffet!! haha Seriously, I have never tasted anything better! I have been CRAVING meat! We had to go get Ashley checked out at the doctor cuz she is loosing her voice and has a sore throat. He said she has some infection in her sinuses and throat-she got meds and all that so hopefully she feels better soon! That won't stop her from partying it up with us still though haha! We stopped at the grocery store and then came back and went on a night beach walk :) So excited for a great weekend :) Thanks to the Redd's-they're the best!


  1. Uh... excuse me, i hope you were not talking about me! I can READ your blog, i just couldn't COMMENT! I like to say my peace, it makes me feel important :) Have a wonderful weekend and enjoy your time in the SUN! It is raining here AGAIN! UGH!
    Luv ya :)

  2. haha it wasn't you!! we were just making a joke of it! haha but glad you can comment now :) is there anyway to see notifications about new comments or anything?? thanks :) love ya! and sorry about the rain haha guess it won't make ya feel better it is 80 degrees and blue skies here ;) haha love ya!
