Valley girl's playlist!

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Listen to alliegirl33@msn.coms Playlist

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Created by OnePlusYou
Created by OnePlusYou

Monday, June 7, 2010

A Day At the Beach

1st Time at the Beach :)
Nothin beats Hawaiian Sunsets
...and We're off
just another day at the beach :)
as if the sand everywhere wasn't enough--Chell's skirt falls into the ocean :)
Guys meet BLONDIE....Blondie meet guys!
Allie spotted this hot mess at the beach--and he was ALLL MAN!
Dear Blondie...marry ME????! :)
This is Kalani...he was great & was our entertainment for the afternoon (other than Blondie)
Kalani & Allie had a special connection...haha

hubba hubba

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