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Created by OnePlusYou

Monday, June 28, 2010

"Welcome, welcome Sabbath morning...."

Tina showing us about UNIQUE Cambodia :)

I love Sundays! especially here in this little town :) we woke up bright and early for church-8:00 a.m. comes VERY early, but as long as we have someone there to impress... everyone but me :( haha jk it is easy to do! Yep, J.W. was there and looking good-talked to him and all! C.C. on the other hand was MIA dang it! we had a good meeting-the guy that spoke mentioned how the excuse, "The devil made me do it," is not a valid argument and we laughed a little cuz Jaymee likes to say, "the demon made me do it!" whenever she needs someone to blame hahaha! Yao sat behind us and was there to give us Rice Crispy treats-probably been saving them up from the caf's sack lunch (same ol' food everyday-rice crispy treats, nature valley bars, peanut butter crackers, chips, soggy/dry sandwiches, and blueberry muffins will just never taste the same when we come back!)-for being there! haha what a peach! J.W. kept looking at us as he made his announcement and i think "someone" almost melted right then and there! it was my first day as the "music coordinator" in Relief Society and it went pretty well! our lesson was by J.W.'s sister and it was on patience-something i definitely need to work on! they made us make appointments for visiting teaching right before the lesson! haha after church, me and Jaym got set apart and then got visit taught by our cute visiting teachers-mine were so sweet! i love Asians! haha we went to the caf for lunch-yipee! we saw shark boy!! we went back and our home teachers-Brother Cravens and Eddie Lee-came and home taught us out in the courtyard! they just got to know us and asked us random questions about our hobbies, families, and marriage haha one of the questions were, "How many times do you think of marriage in a week?" uhhhhh... pretty sure it consumes our thoughts! nahhh haha we said like 15-20 cuz lately, it has been a pretty hot topic to discuss-us boy crazy?? never! and more so now?? i don't think so :) haha but really. and our options?? endless. the list is like 6 out of 1,000-haha lowering the standard? uhhh definitely thinking about it. Me and Chelle (she is taking the place of Ashley in our ward since her ward said they might not transfer her records cuz we're just here for the summer haha) visit taught Julie! She is from Hong Kong and so sweet! we are going to play some tennis with her! we took naps and did some stuff and then went to dinner with Ky and Whit at....... the caf again! the waffle maker and big toaster are both broken dang it :( we tried rice, PB&J's and cereal! we saw "best boy" and Whit just about had a come apart! haha we saw the cutest little boy with his mom and i tried to hold him but he wouldn't let me :( haha i'm sooooo baby hungry! we saw Yao and the funny Indian man from our sunday school-he cracks us up-so funny and sweet! haha i swear we can't sit by each other in church cuz all we do is want to laugh! we did a little "BYUH directory stalking" if you please and tried to find "best boy" but failed in that attempt-it's okay Whitney, you can break the trend of not dating white girls haha! we visit taught Tina-from Cambodia. She is so cute and funny too! she was showing us all these fun videos about how unique Cambodia is on YOUtube! i was in the biggest laughing mood and it was hard to try and teach her a spiritual lesson when i was about to bust up laughing in the middle of it! haha i just couldn't look at Chelle or Jaymee! we went to the fireside by Brother Muhelstein-our New Testament teacher! it was kinda over our head, but very interesting about the stars and Abraham! he lost me at the facsimile part! we went to our Hale prayer and ate cookies, played the "I have never..." game, introduced ourselves, and prayed of course! we went to Chelle's afterwards-worked out quite nicely! her Hale mom gave a little lesson on trials and being happy-she was soo cute! i don't know why our Hale mom or dad don't really come out and be involved! they just brought the cookies to ours and left haha! we had ice cream pie and talked! on our way home, we scared Michelle outside her window :) now, we have A LOT of New Testament reading to do so we don't fail our daily class quiz!

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