Valley girl's playlist!

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Created by OnePlusYou

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

soul mates-success for one and failure so far for the rest

Today, we woke up-for once i was ready when Chelle came over to get us haha she was surprised and so was i! i woke up five minutes before, but just let everything be! we went and grabbed some breakfast, bulked up, and headed to New Testament. Marie said the prayer and it was all we could do to not bust up laughing-i've been having a hard time not here haha she was asking that we wouldn't suck as bad on the final as we did the midterm and that we could get our scores back soon so we didn't keep worrying about it and stuff! she told us about herself afterwards and said how she does tai kwondo (we asked her if she would teach us!), she looked at the teacher and said, "so i'm serious about making the final easier haha!" she is a crack up-we love her! she sat with us at lunch too! haha she was telling us how "creepy" J.J. is to her and how she creeps out guys and stuff! they served toasted deli sandwiches today, which were really yummy! we all went back to our dorms for a bit and took naps, worked on pics, etc. haha i did a little "harmless" surprise for Chelle's birthday and something didn't go as planned (she is going to read this, so i can't say until her birthday when she finds out! haha), which i hope doesn't backfire-i'm sure it won't haha but the possibility is funny! we all met back here to "study" for D&C and do our assignments! something came up and i started laughing so hard and then Jaymee did too cuz i told her haha Chelle is about to kill us-she'll love it once she knows! we went to dinner and then to Foodland to get FHE treats! we walked back to FHE and it was THE BEST ONE YET!! J.W. was there and he was on a roll tonight! One of us almost melted to death! haha things could definitely work out if she would just let us tell him or give a little hint!!!! we took a picture with him since he is the "model" at the PCC! haha we played Jeopardy and totally dominated! we had sherbet with sprite-our treat! we came back and did a little more studying for our D&C test tomorrow! but, we mostly just talked about J.W. and what to do! haha also C.C. came up and of course Hot-Rod and Travis and Jin (Kylie's) and Vest boy (not best boy haha i heard that wrong-Whit's), and even SHARKY if we have to-we're about to just give up... failure! hahaha jk Whit, Ky, and even Pheb's joined us-we all squeezed into my HUGE room and GINORMOUS bed! we came up with some pretty good ways to remember all the sections in the D&C that we have to memorize-pretty clever i'd say! Jaym saw a gecko in her room and is freaking out! haha she whipped out her booklet of on-campus housing and what to do! if it comes over here, i will scream! my family comes tomorrow-ahhhh it's hitting me that it is getting close to the end :( nooooooo! i seriously would consider staying here! i made a list of things for them to bring me-clothes for one thing haha i need more skirts cuz it is soooo stinking hot! we are so excited for another little "mini vacation!" we are a little more sad to leave this time tho-it is sooooo fun here :) over and out!

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