Valley girl's playlist!

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Created by OnePlusYou
Created by OnePlusYou

Monday, June 14, 2010

"Medium rare. Uh, is medium okay? that's as low as we go!"

I think the title tells exactly how this day went! haha I love meat. End of story. haha (that sounds weird!) For breakfast, we went back to the EXOTIC BUFFET! Frank and Tara are treating us sooo good-we're very lucky! It comes pretty darn close to our school's cafeteria breakfast buffet..... NOT haha! They have a juicer and that was my favorite part! I had some shrimp (yeah, even for breakfast) until they let me know it was part of the Brunch so ya had to pay more! Tonight at dinner, we went to Chili's and I had a hamburger-my favorite food, other than steak! haha He asked me how I wanted it cooked and I said, "Medium rare please." He said, "Is medium okay? That's as low as we go!" haha That made me feel like a mountain man carnivore haha as if I like the thing still "Mooing" cuz it's half cooked! hahahaha we had a pretty good laugh because I seriously will try anything! We laid out today by the pool and beach :) I finished up my scripture reading for New Testament-the Scripture App is the best thing invented! Chelle skyped her family and Jaymee is now skyping Erin! We are about to go for a little night swim cuz last night we didn't get to it! Tonight's our last night here at the Marriot :( Tomorrow we're waking up early to head to school-man! We'll meet up with Frank and Tara tomorrow though and head into town! They got us a room with them in Turtle bay-so two more nights of this "exotic getaway" until we head back to our dorms... dun, dun, dun! haha It has been the best weekend!! L.I.G.!

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