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Saturday, June 5, 2010

Day number two and still "Tatless"

Chelle's casle & "tatless" :( Mornings! lil squished! lucky number 105E baby!

Well, we woke up bright and early today, went to breakfast (rice for breakfast too!), sacked our lunches, and headed to the beach! We met Kalanai haha! Me and Jaymee got in the ocean! I think we could get used to the beach everyday! No responsibility and all the time in the world-my kind of day! haha We got FFRRRIIIEED! Like chicken! haha but seriously and it's the first day! We probably should take more time putting on sunscreen cuz our fast 12 SPF fix did not work so well! haha well, some better than others :) We went and played tennis with Jingda (Ding dong for short haha) and Ethan. Michelle and Ethan won me and Jingda, but I think it was pretty rigged-we shoulda won! haha jk but we went to dinner and met Hannah (all these names I can't keep straight!) We walked to get ice cream and the store with Alexi and Alexis and laughed up a storm! We headed back and hung out in their room as we watched Youtube videos! haha Camille tagged along for a bit! We took a shower-finally! haha It feels good to be clean :) haha Well, that's it for today! GREAT DAY!! :) Oh, and tats still hasn't showed up! Phebs is pretty nice though! Good friends, good company, good temperature, just not too good of food haha but oh well, L.I.G.! I just wish I was Polynesian or something, haha I think we all feel a little outta place! Dang Halis :)

1 comment:

  1. It is so fantastic to hear that you are doing wonderful in HAWAII!!! Life truly is so great. I miss you both so much and cannot wait to skype and see some pictures. Love you tons!! ~lace
