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Created by OnePlusYou
Created by OnePlusYou

Friday, June 25, 2010

You suppose us to take studying seriously... in Hawaii???

Hula girls w/ homemade skirts! Jaymee has some pretty good study habits.
While Michelle is out....
"It doesn't matter where you are in the world, the moon is never bigger than your thumb!"
Streaking... not! Scary alley-ways is where we like to spend our "free time!"
S.T.A.L.K.E.R.S.? Naaah!
Woke up-somewhat "on time" cuz Chelle called me haha i have a very difficult time waking up sometimes, so she comes over, knocks on the door, and i have to hurry and act like i have been up haha doesn't fool her when my voice is all groggely and my hair is a mess! So, all proud of myself since i actually woke up, i went to the bathroom and for like the first time of not taking my key with me, my door shut! :( I was in my "skimpy" little pj's cuz it gets soooo stinking hot to sleep in normal clothes like i usually have to cuz i hate my legs touching haha and all we sleep with is a sheet here! So, i had to wait in Jaymee's room until the RA came into her office so i could get into my room! Meanwhile, Chelle came over and was like, "Is Allie up??" Jaymee said, "I've been knocking on her door since eight and she hasn't woken up, it's like she's dead or something!" I'm so glad about how sympathetic she was about the whole thing and Chelle was freaking out knocking and saying my name all stressed and worried about me-shows who my true friends are hahaha jk It was a great way to start off the day-just a little humor! When i finally started laughing and said, "I'm in here!" she was so relieved and about wanted to kill us! haha Finally, the RA was in her office, so I walked over there scared she wasn't going to help me, since I wasn't "in standards," haha but she did :) We went to the caf, headed off to class, practiced hula MANY times before class even started, took our hula test-yeah, pretty sure we rocked it-haha jk we split up into 3 groups and she just graded us! We started another dance and she moved waaayyyy too fast! Did a little studying and ate lunch in my room-had a pretty good talk about tongues too hahaha! It's now the new hang out spot since we can actually walk in it after moving the furniture-don't tell the RA's! We went to D&C and then did a little something called "study!" I don't think people really understand what it means here, i don't blame them cuz there is no way i can take it seriously when i see palm trees out my window! Well, Chelle and Jaymee fell asleep while i caught up on reading and then we went to dinner! Vegetable stroganoff and pasta something-ughhh it was alright i guess haha i think i just about loose my appetite trying it though-me and cafeteria food sometimes don't mix, but hey at least it's food right!? sometimes i feel like a diva! haha we went back to Chelle's room and REALLY did some studying. Whenever she leaves the room, Me and Jaymee play a little "harmless" joke on her. This time, we jumped on her bed, ripped her sheets, burned her pictures, and tipped over her wooden closet.... nahhhh just kidding haha we just put something in her bed :) i brought up the idea of maybe going to get an ice cream cone, again i know, haha but it was delicious!!! on our way, we ran into C.C. (new code word now), and scream so loud cuz he scared us! haha i think it's fate! :) we stopped by the RA's office on our way back and talked to Danna and well.... did a little "stalking" if you will! haha "Now this is Hawaii!"

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