Valley girl's playlist!

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Created by OnePlusYou
Created by OnePlusYou

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Sack lunch: check, backpack: check, first day of school: check!

Hukilau beach after school :)

First day of school!!!

Well guys, we finished our FIRST day of school-first day of sophomore year for Allie, Chelle, and Ash and first day of Freshman year for Jaymee! And, it wasn't that bad! Weight training might help us look more like Kalani (I sure hope so!), and New Testament will help us with the spiritual side! Studying on the beach is calling our names! We read our reading assignment all together haha so glad we all have the EXACT same classes! Everyone sounds so surprised when they all hear we are from Ogden and knew each other before--it always goes a little something like this: "Where are you from?" "Ogden, Ogden, Ogden, Provo" "All of you?" "Yeah!" "Did you know each other before?" "Yeah! Of course we did!" I mean c'mon, get real isn't that what college is for?? haha love it! Today, after class we headed off to Hukilau! It was a windy day and we got sand EVERYWHERE! We used our tubes for the first time-best $2 I ever spent! We couldn't believe our eyes when we looked on shore and saw Kalani with his arms stretched out blowing us a kiss hahahahahaha gall I wish our cameras were ready to capture the moment! Looks like we will be seeing plenty more of him-he makes me laugh-in a good way! haha We went to dinner, read our New Testament assignment TOGETHER :), went to Chelle's FHE, left to our FHE, and then played a little tennis! I love the Asians in our ward-they are so dang funny haha we played the "guess who's taped to your forehead" game and we laughed pretty hard! Jaymee found her "Soul Mate" I think-yeah, already! haha I didn't want to take a dang shower, but I did-flip flops on and all-I wouldn't be able to sleep unless I did haha it is sooooo hot and humid! Oh, and can't forget about meeting our new friends at dinner: Susan and ?? dang it-I forgot! I am so bad with these Asian names-something with an "ing" haha Also, we went back for our TB test check and glad to say we are all healthy! It was a good day-after all, we are in HAWAII So, of course it's a good day! :) L.I.G.

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