Valley girl's playlist!

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Created by OnePlusYou

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Crunch time.

Crunch Time. Package from Utah!!
Tennis time!

So, we all posted our FB status today as CRUNCH TIME. cuz, that is exactly how we feel this week-last full one, so we're trying to fit everything in and make the best of it! :( ahhhh today was pretty good! we went to breakfast-cereal is running out of "style" quickly! we went and did a little weight training and then off to New Testament-soooooo done with classes it's not even funny! we ate our sacked lunches on the lawn and then checked our mail! i got a letter and a package from my mommy with Girl scout cookies, a magazine and letter, and giant marshmallows-kinda random! haha we let Jaymee go do her own little thing-she is becoming so independent we are proud mother's! :) haha she had to go figure out everything about staying here, so me and Chelle went and played a couple games of tennis-it was sooooo hot, but it felt so good! she won, of course! we came back and signed up for classes for BYU provo and NSO Y-group leader-it's going to be so weird going back, but we're kinda excited too! we sat around and Alexis and Wit came and joined in with us! we headed to Subway for dinner, got some FHE supplies at Foodland, and then had to get a quick soft-serve ice cream from Angel's for the walk home of course-we were thinking that's why it always goes so much quicker going home cuz we always get ice cream! haha we got ready and then headed to FHE!!!! for the lesson, we passed around papers with our names on it and drew something that reminded us of that person and then wrote something that reminded us of them! haha it was good! Jaym had the game and so we tried to get the oreo cookies from the forehead to the mouth and everyone got a kick out of it! she was stressing afterwards, but it went well!! haha afterwards, Chase started teaching us how to "break dance!" yeah, think that kinda shot down the crush haha he was so funny though! we ended up on the corner... naturally-opposite side this time cuz T-white and Tavida were supposed to meet Wit to go to Hukilau at the other side (what, does he think he can just go for her now?? hahahaha jk jk!) we were just talking and of course Jevan just happened to walk past! he was so cute and nice to just stay and talk with us! we played "Down by the banks..." another time and "Would you rather?" of course! we planned a camping trip for Friday and then Tauva rode past on her bike and was being her funny self haha she told us she could get us into the PCC on Wednesday night when she works as dispatcher, so we're excited for that-man, we have the "ins and outs" with the PCC! Jake said he'd give us the "private backstage tour" of the stage and now Tauva said she'd let us sneak in at night-privileged! after Jevan left, and Alexis to go with her boy Carl (yeah, already "wooed" him in too! haha maybe she needs to teach us her mad skills!), we started making a "game plan!" Alexis will get Wit's back (P-diddy), Chelle will get my back (J), Wit will get Chelle's back (JV), and Jaymee gets leftovers she feels like hahaha jk she will play it by ear! I.G.Y.B. we decided there is four options with why Piltz is being sooooo weird to Wit: 1.) his NZ girl's are threatening him. 2.) he is way too shy. (more like bashful!) 3.) he is an ALIEN. 4.) he is homosexual. she's even considering if her kiss was not good enough for him, but i mean how can a PECK be so bad haha i think there is a "skin barrier" maybe. we're too white. "Summer lovin, not happenin so fast... met a boy, cute as can be. met a girl, CRAZY for me!!!!" haha basically says it ALL! it's like a role reversal here. this is SO not like us haha but i think this Poly fever is getting to us! i've always had a weakness for them, but here it is times a MILLION. especially at the PCC-dance and attire hahaha jk! all i can say is this week is going down. meet me at the caf, is going down. meet me at the beach, is going down. meet me anywhere, is guaranteed to going DOWN! BFF.

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