Valley girl's playlist!

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Created by OnePlusYou
Created by OnePlusYou

Wednesday, July 14, 2010


Sack lunch break! PCC-legit enough to enter the "back" way w/ our ID's!
Kylie's new job! Poi rolls at Gateway Mmmm (after having a waiter sneak them!)
Henry, Mmm Hmmm, and Jake (ultimate zoom, thank you! not creepy at all!)

another GREAT day at the PCC! i mean, when is it NOT a great day when it's at the PCC? haha the employee's probably think we're crazy-they're all our fellow school mates and look at us like what are you doing here AGAIN! haha just trying to use our "season passes" the best we can is ALL! haha we woke up this morning, went to Hula and learned another dance about sea-flowers or something! fixed my iPhoto finally-phew! all those pictures lost would've been a disaster! we went to D&C (said bye to Sister Barksdale-really going to miss them :( haha we'll definitely have to go visit them in Orem they said!) we went to the PCC and watched the canoe show and the Hawaiian village presentation. We said hi to Kylie at her new work: the concession stand! we got tickets for the Gateway dinner-employee discount cuz of Witney! we went back to the caf for just a lil appetizer haha and then to the Gateway for dinner! it was pretty good, but NO Tarro rolls :( we asked a buser to get us some and he brought back a plate from another luau! Mmmmm! we had a little talk and then went to the night show-ahhhh it never gets old, only better and beter! it was Piltz and Karl's nights off, so i guess we'll just HAVE to go again! haha gladly. we came home and talked on "the corner!" Hot-Rod came by and actually talked more than five words to us-pretty cute and Henry came by and TALKED our ears off haha he is a crack up! he borrowed Wit's bike, sang "breathe of life" (THE opening and closing song to the night show!) to us, and even gave us a little "real" Tongan Chyeaaaaah! haha now, we are confined to the room doing some "homework" for New Testament!

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