Valley girl's playlist!

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Created by OnePlusYou

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Weekend with the Dixon's!

Bike ride to see the seal! Hula class!
Squished in the back! Fruit stands!

Hotel room! Sunset :)
Best sweet bread at the Swap meet! Hanama bay snorkeling!
Church go-ers! Pearl Harbor in our Obama T's!
Fireworks on the car-so patriotic too!
Cards! our OWN fireworks!
Robe party eh? the outrigger!
Hard life :)
Saying bye! bust stop!!

So, for the rest of the weekend with my family: we packed our stuff from Turtle Bay-surprisingly shoved it all in the Expedition and still fit-barely! i'm sure people who saw us the entire week were thinking, "wow those Mormons!" haha as we had us three shoved in the back, four people squeezed in the middle seat (Ry and Ton separated cuz the tease each other too much!) and then my crazy Dad and Brett in the front! we went to the visitor's center at the temple and looked around for a bit! then, we dropped Ry and Brett off to boogie board and went to Kahuku grill to grab some lunch! we picked the boys up and headed to Ko Olina..... after like 5 stops at ALL the little fruit stands along Kamehameha highway! my Dad was getting a hoot at it all! haha we tried some pretty exotic fruit though-passionfruit (sooooo good), sugarcane, lychee berries... Mmmm! the Asian lady was our favorite-she said she "couldn't think" cuz she didn't finish High School haha she was so sweet! we finally made it to Turtle Bay and got all settled in-the rooms were soooo nice at the JW Marriot! we watched the sunset out on the reef and then we went to dinner at the little Japanese place there-Sushi and chicken-for Jaymee! the next day (Saturday), we woke up early, had some fruit and muffins in my parent's room and then headed to the swap meet! we made THREE whole rounds haha we only expected to stay until 10:30 a.m., but ended up leaving at like 12:30 p.m.! we got some good finds-little Asian shirts from a boutique, more gifts for people, and little Hawaiian outfits-Chelle for her nephew and me for my future kids haha! we went to Hanama Bay and did the little video orientation-the music was so good we wanted to buy the soundtrack hahahaha "Don't step on me..." and "Just look, don't touch..." we saw some cool fish-Jaymee couldn't handle it much more so she headed back and me and Chelle were determined to see a turtle, and we did! it was so close to us, it was cool! we went back to the hotel, got ready and went to dinner in Honolulu at a restaurant in the Outrigger on Waikiki, where you grill your own meat! it was so yummy!!! we wanted to do the karaoke, but it was like an hour and a half wait! :( Sunday, we went to church-longest Sacrament I've ever had-they put in a new bishopric in several wards, so it was combined-huge group-but it was really good! we changed into our 4th of July outfits-Obama T-shirts and star and stripes flowers for our hair haha-so patriotic! we went to Pearl Harbor and saw the USS Arizona that sunk (with the oil still spilling out of it) and went in the USS Missouri-it put me back in the 1930-40 time period and i was in HEAVEN! i adore that time period! definitely think i was born in the wrong time period the more i learn about it! haha the navy men looked pretty good in their white uniforms too :) hahaha that just made me be even more proud to be an American-I don't think we realize how much we have all the time and the people that fight for the freedom we have :) we went back to Ko Olina and walked the sidewalk to the end where we saw the Black Pearl for Pirates of the Caribbean! we watched the sunset and then went back to get ready for fireworks! we got some KFC and went to the shopping center to watch them! we had our own little tailgate with some other cars there too, sat on top of the Expedition, and ate our chicken with our Obama T's on and America flowers in the hair, while watching the fireworks over Pear Harbor-now tell me that is not the most Patriotic thing you have heard! haha we just needed the National Anthem to be playing in the background! Monday, we woke up bright and early, grabbed some breakfast at the yummy buffet-my family fell in love with the juicer too!! we decided to rush into Honolulu to go on a quick outrigger ride-very fun!! we had a race with each other! we only got to go on two waves, but it was a thrill! haha we stopped quickly at the International Market and then headed back to the hotel to layout (we put our towels on some chairs before breakfast) by the pool! we rented a big circle floaty thing and talked with us girls out in the ocean bay! we got some smoothies in pineapples and drank them in the pool! we ate some burgers and then packed up for home :( my family dropped us off at Ala Moana to catch the bus ride home-for some reason, I was about to cry saying bye haha and i didn't even cry saying bye the first time! we waited FOREVER and finally the bus came! we met a little family with two young girls-probably 6 and 9-that were Jewish. They were so talkative and new A TON about the Old Testament and their religion already-we were impressed how educated they were! haha it made me want to learn my own religion better! they talked about the Kosher foods and all that jazz-very interesting! we were supposed to serve young children for an assignment in New Testament, so that was perfect for that too! we made it back and headed to FHE very late! i was SO car sick haha the bus always gets me! Jaym was supposed to have the FHE game, but called TiaLeu (Wesley's sister) and decided to do it the next week! we unpacked and went to bed! fun weekend and fun to be back again!

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