Valley girl's playlist!

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Created by OnePlusYou
Created by OnePlusYou

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

BYU-H biggest regrets....

Coulda, shoulda, woulda been us every night! seeing this EVERY night :) haha

we have had the BEST time here at BYU-H and the most amazing experience, but if we could go back in time (blah blah blah) we would....
1.) all take the night show spotlighting job. hands down! biggest regret ever! haha that every night would just top it off-maybe it was a good thing! haha
2.) realize the caf food is NOT that bad... eat up, cuz it won't kill you! haha plus, use the Seasider flex dollars throughout the term, not just the last day-it is the bomb!
3.) NOT kissing a Poly :( haha after having "Jungle fever," i think it could've helped! maybe not! haha
4.) Hike stairway to Heaven at 3 a.m.
5.) Sleep/Camping on the beach
6.) Try surfing/paddling

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