Valley girl's playlist!

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Created by OnePlusYou

Friday, July 9, 2010

"Dancing in the moonlight..."

Night swim and beach dance PARTY! Chelle's jellyfish wound!
Practicing our Hula!

Tonight hit the top five list of funnest nights! Let's just say I think we are all in love with New Zealanders! haha after class today, we hit up temple beach and then came home, got ready, and went to dinner. Afterwards, we got ready and then met at "the corner" where all the Poly's usually sit, but tonight we got there first and took over-probably cuz the PCC show hadn't ended yet! haha Jevan, Omrah, a kid that wouldn't talk and the rest of us headed to the beach for a midnight swim and dance party! Carl and Piltz didn't show up like expected, but the six of us girls and two of them did alright i guess haha! we walked to some beach across from the PCC. We hopped in the ocean and swam for a bit. we started playing some Marco Polo until Chelle and Jevan got bit by a jellyfish-i wish someone would've video taped it cuz we freaked out pretty bad! haha Chelle thought it was a shark attack at first so we booked it out of there! we would've peed on it, but that seemed kinda gross!! so, we had a dance party and had a pretty good workout trying to bust out our moves in the sand! Jevan was cute enough to bring a Ipod dock and his Ipod-wow this kid can sing, dance, is prepared, and has an accent! haha not to mention black hair and BLUE eyes! we'll stop drooling. haha anyway, danced for....ever!! then, sat around in a circle and told scary stories with a flashlight! once we looked up and noticed the stars in the pitch black sky, we sat and star gazed-couldn't find the big dipper though dang it! we saw tons of shooting stars though! we called it good at like 1 a.m. and headed for home! so much fun so fast and we leave in a couple weeks :( noooooo!

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