Valley girl's playlist!

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Created by OnePlusYou

Monday, July 12, 2010

Best dinner time we eva had: worst food, but best company!

Don't mess with us.... our Maori faces on!



Tonight the caf was OUT THE ROOF! haha the food.... ughhh not so much-rice, carrots, and pineapple seemed DECENT and then i went in for some cereal to top it off and the milk was SOUR! grrrrr how bad can the dang cereal get haha c'mon people! they won't use the huge toaster, so you have to wait forever for the little one to do the job-gosh why is life SO hard! haha jk but anyway, after eating what we could without loosing too much of our appetite, we sat around for another hour or two-Sunday's-the caf is where everyone is! haha Raj came and sat down by us-totally made our whole dinner! he asked us what the "secret to our happiness" was haha we were like, "You Raj!" cuz it's true! ahhh love that kid! he teased Wit about being her dad cuz she asked if he was her dad, what she would be named haha when she asked where he was from he just said, "You should know where your father grew up!" and then gave her a couple options to choose from-India it is! haha he is soooo funny! we need to record him for keepsakes! all the sudden, Fehe got up (and Henry) and came and sat right by Alexis! hahahaha ahhhh we all about lost it! after the not-so-romantic creepy night the other night, we can't take it! haha Henry kept talking away like usual and Jaymee overheard him say to Fehe, "Hey isn't that Tavida's girl?" about me--ahhhhhhh i am known as Tavida's a.k.a. "shark boy's" girl in their little Tongan colt??? wow, no wonder Hot-Rod is being so weird, haha jk! Piltz came in-didn't say a word, of course! finally, after a couple hours we left for the fireside! it was a marriage "panel!" with some older couples! haha a couple of them were hilarious-we were about to die laughing-those older Poly couples are so funny and outspoken! there was another couple that seemed kinda "hillbilly-ish" and they were funny and cute too! they served a full on dinner for refreshments-curry and dessert! we went to Chelle's Hale prayer and then met up with Jake, Tauva, and Yao-and Anthony showed up midway! Tauva had cards and we played speed, talked, played a funny animal sign game, and then played "Down by the banks...." of course haha it's a classic-we've played it so many times here! Jake won my heart over again and AGAIN with his little mischevious smile and NZ accent! he was so fun to talk to-we all just broke down to him about our "luck!" haha and of course Jevan and C.C. both just happen to walk by! and, don't worry that he told us where Piltz's room is exaclty and on our way home we went and tried to find it by looking in the windows-if we would've got caught i would've died haha we decided we'll move "our corner" spot to the curb right outside his window-not creepy at all! haha we made some fun plans for this week and i have a feeling most of our time will be at the PCC NZ village or just watching the canoe and night shows over and over again! Jake said he'd give us the "private tour" of backstage haha so we are going to take him up on it! it's going to be a GREAT week!

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