Valley girl's playlist!

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Created by OnePlusYou

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Home... which way to the beach?

Finally Home after LONG a red-eye flight!! Round 2--AZ!!

first question once we landed was, "Okay, so which way to the beach!?" we are going through withdrawls!! ahhh haha plus, what's up with all these white, scrawny little boys-where's the REAL men, like Polynesian men! we were separated on the five and a half hour, red-eye flight-joy! haha we both couldn't really sleep :( we met my parents down by the baggage claim and then i had to run off to check in for my AZ flight a couple hours later-crazy i know! we ran into Chelle's family in the other terminal haha and then i headed off for my dance competition-looooong day! we wanted Spoon me, Cafe Rio, and i sure wanted a baseball game-still haven't gotten any yet! haha i had to babysit right when i got home from AZ! it was so sad to leave Jaym and campus, but hopefully we will be back :) maybe winter?? haha GGRRRRREEEEEEAAAAAATT summer!! three cheers for the BEST summer eva! :)

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