Valley girl's playlist!

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Created by OnePlusYou

Friday, July 16, 2010

One more week of paradise until it's back to the Mainland!

Cereal after each meal? yep! attempting the longboard! check!!

Just a little tight in the back seat! On the green :)

as of today, we have one week until we go back home :( definitely a mix of feelings-it'll be so good to get back to life, Cafe Rio, Spoon Me, and the "USA" again (it feels like another country here cuz it's so laid back haha and i'm definitely feeling it-i want to just sit around doing nuttin!), but on the other hand we will miss the beach, BYU-Hawaii, friends, wonderful dorms :/, PCC, Poly boys of course (they are the REAL men haha what are we gonna do when we go back!? jk), Angel's ice cream, the CAF haha (i might go through blueberry bagel withdrawls or cut up pineapple or sack lunch specials-rice crispy treats, peanut butter crackers, nature valley bars, dry sandwiches with chips to cover up the sogginess, cut up carrots, oranges, and old bananas! not to mention cereal after EVERY meal!), and just being in HAWAII!! "Now this is Hawaii!" it's finally hit us, we are here and now we are leaving-where did those six weeks just go!? we went to class today and then hung out with Jake in Hale 2 lounge! after dinner, we Skyped Jen and Byron (miss them, but they will be home a couple days after us!), got ready and did some stuff, tried to longboard with Tauva, and then headed off to this private golf course along the beach with Jevan and Omrah! the stars are crazy here-there are soooo many and i forgot how much i love star gazing! we saw tons of shooting stars, with the sound of the ocean in the background haha ahhhh! we all squooze onto a blanket until Karl showed up with more! we fell asleep for a bit and then kept getting second winds to go do something! we took a little stroll down to the beach and then came back up and Alexis and Karl were gone, of course! haha we left them and headed home! it was a fun night and pretty sure we could listen to the NZ accents allllllll night :)

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