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Created by OnePlusYou

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Jungle fever. x10.

Package #3! Finally, a PCC pic with Jake!
Mochi balls and last PCC night :( Signatures please!

tonight was our last night to the PCC (unless we just HAVE to go again tomorrow night!) haha it was only the fourth time or so and i can't believe how much better it gets after each time ahhhhh! we recognized more people we knew (got LOTS of good shots with the "ultimate zoom" haha LOTS!), and just about drooled the entire time. i think this Jungle Fever is getting worse-and the PCC night show does NOT help anymore! you know you are in love when you get a little emotional after realizing it's your last time to the PCC night show haha :( and i'm not an emotional person! like Jaymee always says, "...the blacker the berry, the sweeter the juice. i can tell it ain't so, but darlin what's the use? the darker the chocolate, the richer the taste. that's where it's at, no baby run and tell that!!!!" hahaha :) i was taking pics of J in every outfit and the last one, he came over to our side (we were on about the 5th row cuz we moved down from our other ones at half time haha the lady gave us the best seats we've had yet, but we still moved farther down for a better view haha!), and right then as i was taking ANOTHER picture, he saw us and got all bashful ahhhh! haha he walked off after when we were telling him we wanted a pic and then came back out and started shaking people's hands like that's what he came out for haha so we got a couple pics-it was hard, and he told us no FB-he's so embarrassed it's funny, but we got um-sweat and all (which he was embarrassed of too, just no smile haha but we'll take it!! his phone died, but we decided to hang out tomorrow! we stopped at the gift shop afterwards and got some postcards with Fehe and Henry on them and a keychain for keepsakes haha the PCC is where it's at (i dunno why it took us soooo long to realize it! that's where all the hunks are haha and we thought there were non-sheeeesh!) on our way home, Fehe and Funaka signed them for us! Fehe had his arm around me and one of their girls was like "Fehe, remember you're taken!" yeah, his facebook says he is ENGAGED! haha we came back to my room and talked about the night, okay more like drooled! haha the RA had to come remind us it was past 10, so it was quiet hours... AGAIN! we ate all our treats from my mom's package and sat on the corner for a while! the other side corner ("our corner") was already taken and they kept looking at us haha Alexis told us how Karl accepted her FB friend request and then deleted her as a friend (yeah, FB drama all the way haha jk). we were like what, and then all a sudden i thought, "You put 'got what we wanted, ready to bounce' as your status the other day no duh he did!" haha we were laughing pretty hard-that's kinda sad too! haha well, he got some kisses too so he shouldn't be too butt hurt! we talked to Tauva and she said she could get us into the haunted lagoon they're having during the night show in the lagoon for this Japanese group that's paying them and also the PCC tomorrow night! we walked Chelle home for the second to last time :( everything is coming so fast (i swear just last week it was going by slow and we were almost ready to go home and now we are dreading it!), it's sad! we were thinking about how the first week we were here we kept thinking, "We have SIX whole weeks here-this is going to be soooo long!" and then it just flew by and i would give anything to have another couple weeks! there are so many things we'll miss, most of all everyone here :( earlier today, we woke up and ate at the caf-ahhh we're even going to miss it! haha i remember not even daring to drink the milk (i had swore i'd never drink out of a public milk machine), eat the eggs, try any of the main dish, etc cuz it seemed a little gross, but now it's all FREE GAME! haha we went to Hula and took our written test-all perfect 10's on the practical! and the written wasn't bad! we videoed the dances and got a pic with Auntie Char-she is soooo hard about getting pics, gall! haha we studied a little and took our D&C test-not too bad! we checked our mailboxes and got a package from my mom with lots of treats! haha Mmmm except now, we're all on a little sugar high-all the flex dollar junk food from the Seasider and now this (and it's all in my room's "food cupboard!" (Ash's old desk top!) haha). we studied more in my room, ate lunch and the package food, and i took a nap! then, we gave up and just went and took the New Testament test! not too good of scores, but i think the whole class will probably get around the same and he'll curve up like the midterm! it was tricky and looooong! (75 T/F questions!) we went to the caf for dinner and sat with Jingda and Jevan :) ahh he is so nice and friendly! we're going to definitely miss the "real men" here haha forget the white boys, where are the toned, bronzed, big, gentlemen men! haha but really. we had a cereal eating contest-totally dominated that one with THREE WHOLE bowls of Captain Crunch, no berries whoopdy-doo! haha i think they gave up since "you know who" was there! now they owe me an Angel's ice cream! i am going to miss our cereal after every meal and for THE meal when the food is gross! i saw a gecko in the bathroom today and screamed bloody murder. then, Chelle and Jaym saw one in my ROOM-first one/thing in here to be seen and it's almost the last day haha i'm still going strong-keeping my eyes half closed! haha great day! Alexis leaves tomorrow :( and tomorrow is our LAST full day here... ahhhhhh!

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