Valley girl's playlist!

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Created by OnePlusYou

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Another birthday bash and lil' bit a New Zealand Serenade!

PCC day! Piltz!!! birthday kiss?
Cookie game! NZ seranade!
Learning the Haka! Night swim with our "white bikinis!" haha

Wow! New Zealand accents, beautiful voices, and a guitar--i think we were all drooling as five handsome young chaps sang their hearts out to old classic love songs, Jason Mraz, Jack Johnson-you name it-George could whip it out! Not to mention, the perfect weather, outside under the stars, in the middle of the night! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh :) The day started out with breakfast-E.F.Y. kids are here-the house is full! Then, weight training and New Testament. We got ready and went to the PCC for a little birthday party for Whitney! Yep, saw everyone we knew-at least 3-4 times haha we probably look like little creepers who can't get enough of the PCC so we go constantly with our "season passes" and take millions of pictures with all the different village men with no shirts on! We headed back to the caf for dinner-yummy spaghetti finally!!!! It was the most any of us have ate there in a long time haha! I got a little power nap in while Jaymee and Chelle studied their Hula! Then, we headed off for Whit's little surprise get-together with Alexis, Kylie, Jin, Ohran (I'm bad with spelling the Asian names-and pronouncing them!), Si (Wit's dubs), Carl (Alexis's dubs), George with the guitar and voice, and Jivan with the nice blue eyes! We ate cake and ice cream, played the "cup" game, tried to roll cookies into our mouthes from our foreheads, sat and let the boys serenade us, talked Jivan into finally teaching us the Haka, played "Would you rather?", and then called it a night! they were so sweet and nice-where have they been this entire time?? haha of course we couldn't call that a night though, especially after it being Wit's birthday so........ we had to go with the tradition after Chelle's birthday, little ocean swim! :) haha kinda creepy walking down to the beach, but it had to be done! Jaym in her sarong of course and us with our throw-on dresses! skinny dipped for a quick sec and then headed home! totally worth the thrill! haha 3 a.m. now and we got a Hula test tomorrow.... Auntie Char, "Please make it easy!"


  1. O my.. you are getting a bit too comfortable swimming at night! (in the nude) I'm glad you're having such fun! 14 more days!! Enjoy every second!!

  2. thanks mind! haha i think my mom would say the SAME thing hahaha it's becoming tradition now :) birthdays in birthday suits :) hahaha jk
