Valley girl's playlist!

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Created by OnePlusYou

Thursday, July 22, 2010

The last supper... and final hours!

Last day at Waimea w/o Jaymee! :( The last supper at the CAF!!!
Last "Joy ride" in the Stang!
Goodbye Jake! :( we ran into Chase's car the LAST day, what a coincidence!
Last of the Hawaiian ray! The BYU-H fo life girlies!
Farewell gift-pictures! Swap meet gypsy pants!
One last V-girl cheer!! Jaymee's trademark-smelling us!
Bye J-dawg keep BYU-H alive!! Wow 67 lbs. OVERWEIGHT-doing some adjusting!
Text from Raj waiting at the airport!!

well, yesterday was our LAST full day! all these "lasts" are making me sad! we try to play it off like, "Okay guys, so what should we do today?" as if it's a normal day, but we know it's over soon :( i am considering coming back for winter?? they just don't have majors we're interested in, but we are going to be so sad to leave this place and everyone here! it seemed like this week FLEW by! everyone keeps bringing it up and i hate to say that we are leaving-dang termites haha i'm still feeling a little guilty :( i have learned a lot and am so much more appreciative to be getting an education beacause kids here give EVERYTHING and sacrifice so much cuz education is important! there are kids showing up for first term and it actually doesn't look like a deserted place anymore! haha it's like a roller coaster of emotions-sometimes we're like "okay, this was the perfect amount of timing and it'll be good to go home ending on the BEST note ever!" and then other times we think, "No, what if we miss out!?? and think of all things we'll miss (even the caf-we figured that's where it's at haha-that we thought we hated!) and people we'll probably never see! ahhhhh i hate goodbyes, so we'll just think about seeing people "later," cuz who knows. somewhere down the line we might be in India and run into Raj, or Colorado and run into Marie, or Saudi and run into Barbara! who knows! haha yesterday, we woke up. ate at the caf, took our weight training final-100%+!!, we turned in Michelle's mailbox key, went and paid for the coconut express since Brett's ride fell through (he wasn't planning on it like we thought and then told us he could after we already paid the $30 haha oh well!) and then Me, Chelle, and Wit headed to Waimea for the day-Jaym stayed back to figure things out for classes and her job-she finally decided she's for sure staying first term and not going home and then coming back! we will miss her-now, down to two on the plane ride home, whereas we started with FOUR! haha we're going to wear our matching India pants-classic! we laid out and took naps-trying to catch up on the sleep i missed out on the night before haha went to bed about 5:30 a.m.! it was soooo pretty and so darn hot! probably our favorite beach! these army men came and "hung out" with us haha they were being a little weird! we packed up and had a dance party waiting for the bus! another kid came and "hung out" with us at the bus stop-man, where are the normal ones and why don't they ever come over to "hang out!" haha gosh, biggest regret-NOT kissing Polys! we came back and got ready. then, we headed to the caf for "the last supper!" we recorded and took pictures of every moment! everyone was probably like these girls are so weird! haha we got some good shots! then, we sat outside and hung out for a bit with Wit's brother and sister! Yao and Leo stopped by and said goodbye-i HATE goodbyes! we took one last joy ride in the Mustang around campus haha we ran into Sone (beautiful tree climber!) and his other tree climber friend (kissed Chelle's cheek on her birthday!) and they invited us to go to the Latin club dance! we went-they have it each week-and attempted to Latin dance! a couple kids tried to show us and then we went into the room next door for some girls surprise birthday dance! haha it was way fun, but we didn't even know her! Jake was there :) Chelle told him she needed to have a little "Mother Theresa" talk, but it's probably too late! ahhhh i'm in love haha jk at the end, they pushed us into the middle and we showed them allllll up haha not really, but it was fun and they were all laughing! the NZ girls were in their corner staring haha Jaym is going to become BFFs with them, cuz once she's through them, she can have the cutest boys in the world without getting beat up! haha jk we were going to go with Jameson, Matt, Adam, and them doing something, somewhere, somehow-they NEVER have a plan, "just go with the flow!", but we decided not to since we were pooped and had to pack :( Wit went and i guess they ended up sneaking onto the Pirate's of the Caribbean shoot at Turtle Bay and shook a couple pirate's hands! i packed and we talked and ate away all our sadness!!! then, we walked Chelle home for the last time :( :( we hugged-well, Jaymee just squoze us while she sniffed our heads over and over again haha and, she started up on her, "guys, just imagine..." story about her getting with all our men! haha going to miss her! we want to skype her and have reunions with everyone, of course! we are all "living through Jaymee!" we did a little V-girl cheer and walked back to our Hale! we saw Tavida walking home and he stopped and talked to us-he kept touching my arm haha! started and ended with Tavida! maybe i shoulda just went to Hukilau with him on the bike and then my goal could've been complete, oh well! we talked to Matt and them on the corner for a bit and the went in to bed for the last time! ahhh! i was going to wake up and go run and watch the sunset with Wit at 5:20 a.m., but we both slept in :( we tried to go to the caf for breakfast, but our meal plan has stopped-put a BIG damper on things-no caf for our final meal? ahhh man! i did some wash, we packed up, and then checked out! we put our stuff in Jaym's room!! we printed off our boarding passes and then headed to the beach for the last Hawaii tan of the summer! while walking there, we ran into JAKE-it was fate!!!! ahhh i got my hug and am satisfied! haha Chelle had her "Mother Theresa" moment and started to tear up after saying bye! haha it felt good to get some rays-i just wish the last day didn't feel like the last day cuz it is hard to enjoy knowing we are leaving! we got Subway, a drink at foodland, laid out a little, took some pics, threw away our sand mats :(, got some last-minute Macadamia nut gifts for friends at Foodland, and headed to our dorms-well, Jaymee's to get ready! we got ready real quick-just a little squishy and headed to the Coconut express! haha it was just a little van and two other kids rode with us! we filmed an advice video for Jaym and her for us! we said our last goodbyes and waived bye the entire time she was in sight! haha she teared up a bit and then Bridian came over and invited her to dinner and a movie-we're getting replaced :( haha jk we teared up a bit just leaving campus :( awwe man, we're gonna really miss this place! Jaymee Shaw: "WE ARE LIVING THROUGH YOU!"

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