Valley girl's playlist!

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Created by OnePlusYou

Sunday, July 18, 2010

We go to church...

Skyping Michelle! Zzzz on us? 17th Ward get-together!
Our visiting teach-ee, Tina!!! Mmmm Hmmm!
Pimpin ride!

the nightly ritual-"our corner" Oh, Henry!

today is the Sabbath-best day ever here! our ward is the BEST ever-we are going to miss everyone there :( we always have the best speakers in Sacrament and sunday school lessons! today, Raj gave the lesson-no worries, we came prepared this week! i feel bad cuz no one speaks up to help haha i think everyone has a hard time with English, so they get kinda scared-so we did most the talking! Jaym and Chelle announced our little "ward get-together" in Elder's quorum and after church, we got visit taught! we went to the caf and then took naps and worked on pics! we skyped Michelle for a bit too-we just can't separate for too long-it's too hard! haha everyone thinks we are connected at the hip, and we are! we went to the caf for dinner and then went to our little ward get-together! it turned out great!! there was dessert and one of the counselors brought bean dip that was a hit! our ward is so loud and funny haha i loved it! we took pics with Raj and Yao, of course and then did a little visiting teaching to Tina! we went out to meet Wit on the corner and she pulled up in a white, convertible MUSTANG! we all drove around campus again and again haha she was hoping everyone that hated her (NZ girls) would see-maybe even P-diddy! some of the kids on the other corner told us to turn our music down cuz it was the Sabbath. we dropped it back off at her brother's little condo-they are visiting for the week and let her borrow it for a couple minutes! we walked home and then had a little talk on the corner! Mel joined us and tried to set us up with his friends-the usual haha he must think that's ALL we want or that's all they ever want! Henry joined us too of course (when there's one, there's all!) and talked/sung our ears off-love him! haha we walked Chelle home, he asked if i was Latino, taught us some Tongan (cuz it bugs when they just start talking in their language in front of us cuz we know it's about us haha!): Fefe Haka? (How are you?) Sybe! (Good!) Alua! (Goodbye-leaving!) and something with a elele haha. we went in for bed and called it a night!

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