Valley girl's playlist!

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Created by OnePlusYou
Created by OnePlusYou

Thursday, July 8, 2010


-"ya see..." -Brother Barksdale
-"B.R.B. guys, B.R.B." -Marie
-"B.I.Z.Z.A.R.E..... Cambodia!" -Tina
-"Mom, don't freak out, I just can't see!" -Michelle Jaynes
-"Behold the handmaid of the Lord, be it unto me, according to thy will. And the angel departed from her..." (sung opera style to the tune of: Lilie's of the field) -Jaymee Shaw
-V-necks, sarongs, flanels -JAYMEE SHAW!
-"Hey, does someone mind going to the airport with me..." (and other excuses....) -Airport guy a.k.a. Kenson
-"I dunno, I from China.... Ohhhh Miley Cyrus!" -FHE Asian
-"The demon made me do it!" -Jaymee Shaw
-"I don't know what you guys are talking about!" -Jaymee Shaw
-"And then three guys showed up..." -Jaymee Shaw
-"Nothing but a sarong (or dress) on!!" -Skinny Dipping night!
-"Hey gurrrls!" (with a shaka and giggle) -Raj
-"Fifty dollars? I could buy like 10 sarongs with that!" -Jaymee Shaw
-I.G.Y.B. (i got your back!)
-"Hey, will you spot me?" -Anthony to Barbara
-"Are you done with my chalk YET?" -Kenson (a.k.a. airport guy)
-"Chelle, what SPF do you wear?" -Allie
-"No, we'll see YOU at the fireside!" -Jaymee Shaw to Wesley
-"Hey, if you want me to make a bigger sized dragon for you, just let me know!" -Jaymee Shaw to the one and only... Wesley!
-"Imagine if..." "Guys, What if...." -Jaymee Shaw :)
-"And then three guys showed up..." -Jaymee Shaw
-"Passy, Ku, to the right, Haka one, two, and three!" -Tongan village (louder than loud and can be heard even here in the dorm room!)
-"Breathe of life, breathe of love. Sacred gift, from up above..." -PCC night show :)
-"Guys, my face feels kinda tight.... is it burned?" -Michelle haha after sitting up from being asleep with a purple face and normal-colored body!
-"If i ever eat a bagel again in my life, it'll be way too soon!" -Michelle talking about the caf's special, hard sack lunch-blueberry bagels
-"We go beach!?" -broken English a.k.a. Pigeon!
-"Please help us not to suck as bad as we did on the midterm and to get our scores back soon so we don't have to keep worrying about them!" -Marie in a class prayer
-"Pais, Pais? I'm confused." -Brother Muhelstein "Oh that's me, sorry I must've been way out of it that day!" -Marie
-"Who got my email and did their reading for Sunday School this week?" -Raj
-"I saw some of you were a little nervous when Chase called on you, that is because of lack of preparation." -Raj (we learned we better do our Sunday School reading!)

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