Valley girl's playlist!

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Created by OnePlusYou
Created by OnePlusYou

Saturday, July 10, 2010

"That makes me wanna hot dog reeeaal bad!" Campfire under the palm trees!

Beach day! huge wave wiped out EVERYTHING!
"Shaka dogs!"

Campfire with Destiny and the NZs under the palm trees!

Day at the beach-what more could we want!? After breakfast, we went to Temple beach and thought we had found "the perfect spot" to lay out until a couple hours later we were drenched wet, including our sack lunches and bags! Alexis's phone and Ipod got soaked and didn't work! we moved down a ways and finished our tans! it started getting rain clouds at like 3:00 after a perfect sunny day (the weather here is crazy! it rains for a bit almost every day-so, it doesn't stop our beach days unlike in Utah!), so we headed home (which was probably the best decision made cuz Chelle's body was fried-at least it wasn't her face this time haha just another line to add to her body-now, a tag one from her skirt tag haha), did some weight training, got ready, went to dinner, and then went to the McKay building to see The Last Song! we headed to Foodland to get some hot dog and smore stuff for the bonfire Destiny invited us to, but found a cute little hot dog stand outside, so got our hot dog fix right then and there! then we got smore stuff and tried to find the fire! we finally found it!! everyone was really nice and we stuffed our faces with smores and starburst-roasted Mmmm! campfire under the palm trees-just the way we like it! Destiny was hilarious haha she is a crack up! most of them were from New Zealand or Australia and their words are so funny to hear! we were scared the girls were going to be "Piltz's security guards" who have scared Whit and Alexis to death with their threatenings haha jk but really. but, we don't think they were-we don't know what they look like, which is even scarier! i think they are very protective of their men, which i don't blame them haha but still, c'mon! Piltz kissed Whit for her birthday-quick and cute haha he was just a little nervous, just a little! i think his girl cousin (doesn't leave his side) saw it too, cuz she was waiting for him right after he did it, he ran off! haha and...... we haven't heard or seen from him since! Alexis got a kiss from Fehe that night too, but hers was a WHOLE different story haha just a little creeped out, okay maybe A LOT! he was all for it, and a little more probably! she ended up telling him to take her home and has been really quick with him since-once she brought up the age difference, we haven't seen or heard from him since! haha well, he started texting Whitney! see all this-Poly drama, that's all our lives are. haha jk gotta love it! it is hitting us about leaving so soon :( next week is our last full week to be here! Whit is thinking of extending and maybe quitting her job tomorrow-we told her, we'll just write a ransom note, or say she broke her neck haha Jaymee is thinking of staying here, well F-O-R-E-V-E-R! she is interested in the TESOL program and the Polys, haha jk she's still up for the decision. we are sad cuz we're finally getting the hang of things: out on the corner benches outside Hale 3 cuz the PCC show ends at 9:30 and they are all walking home then, dinner at 6:30 cuz it's after the boys get off their shift and before they head back to the night show, we now know that the PCC is the place to be (especially on your birthday-mine is going to be next week... AGAIN!), seeing Raj just about everyday now (makes our day!), realizing the caf food is actually edible more than we thought, being more comfortable touching things in our room and bathroom, and we have good friends that know fun things to do :( this whole week has been a party-it's felt like the weekend all week! haha tonight was the earliest night-home by like 12:00 a.m.! plus, now there is a hot dog stand at Foodland :( i have a feeling the last little bit of all my money is going to go towards food! haha Jaym still needs her man J.W., Chelle still needs her C.C. or now J.V., Whit still needs another P-diddy time, Alexis has HAD her time haha, Kylie needs her Jin, and I still need my T, J, G, or if it all comes down to it since we're running low on time.... Hot-Rod! haha jk what am i gonna do when i go home to A.C. and have to fall asleep with more than a sheet and not have the unique sounds of the PCC (Tongan village is sooooo loud and the night show "Breathe of life......") coming through my open windows!? :( this is a crisis! we are going to make the best of the next week and then, it's over :(

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