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Thursday, July 29, 2010

Home... which way to the beach?

Finally Home after LONG a red-eye flight!! Round 2--AZ!!

first question once we landed was, "Okay, so which way to the beach!?" we are going through withdrawls!! ahhh haha plus, what's up with all these white, scrawny little boys-where's the REAL men, like Polynesian men! we were separated on the five and a half hour, red-eye flight-joy! haha we both couldn't really sleep :( we met my parents down by the baggage claim and then i had to run off to check in for my AZ flight a couple hours later-crazy i know! we ran into Chelle's family in the other terminal haha and then i headed off for my dance competition-looooong day! we wanted Spoon me, Cafe Rio, and i sure wanted a baseball game-still haven't gotten any yet! haha i had to babysit right when i got home from AZ! it was so sad to leave Jaym and campus, but hopefully we will be back :) maybe winter?? haha GGRRRRREEEEEEAAAAAATT summer!! three cheers for the BEST summer eva! :)

Thursday, July 22, 2010

The last supper... and final hours!

Last day at Waimea w/o Jaymee! :( The last supper at the CAF!!!
Last "Joy ride" in the Stang!
Goodbye Jake! :( we ran into Chase's car the LAST day, what a coincidence!
Last of the Hawaiian ray! The BYU-H fo life girlies!
Farewell gift-pictures! Swap meet gypsy pants!
One last V-girl cheer!! Jaymee's trademark-smelling us!
Bye J-dawg keep BYU-H alive!! Wow 67 lbs. OVERWEIGHT-doing some adjusting!
Text from Raj waiting at the airport!!

well, yesterday was our LAST full day! all these "lasts" are making me sad! we try to play it off like, "Okay guys, so what should we do today?" as if it's a normal day, but we know it's over soon :( i am considering coming back for winter?? they just don't have majors we're interested in, but we are going to be so sad to leave this place and everyone here! it seemed like this week FLEW by! everyone keeps bringing it up and i hate to say that we are leaving-dang termites haha i'm still feeling a little guilty :( i have learned a lot and am so much more appreciative to be getting an education beacause kids here give EVERYTHING and sacrifice so much cuz education is important! there are kids showing up for first term and it actually doesn't look like a deserted place anymore! haha it's like a roller coaster of emotions-sometimes we're like "okay, this was the perfect amount of timing and it'll be good to go home ending on the BEST note ever!" and then other times we think, "No, what if we miss out!?? and think of all things we'll miss (even the caf-we figured that's where it's at haha-that we thought we hated!) and people we'll probably never see! ahhhhh i hate goodbyes, so we'll just think about seeing people "later," cuz who knows. somewhere down the line we might be in India and run into Raj, or Colorado and run into Marie, or Saudi and run into Barbara! who knows! haha yesterday, we woke up. ate at the caf, took our weight training final-100%+!!, we turned in Michelle's mailbox key, went and paid for the coconut express since Brett's ride fell through (he wasn't planning on it like we thought and then told us he could after we already paid the $30 haha oh well!) and then Me, Chelle, and Wit headed to Waimea for the day-Jaym stayed back to figure things out for classes and her job-she finally decided she's for sure staying first term and not going home and then coming back! we will miss her-now, down to two on the plane ride home, whereas we started with FOUR! haha we're going to wear our matching India pants-classic! we laid out and took naps-trying to catch up on the sleep i missed out on the night before haha went to bed about 5:30 a.m.! it was soooo pretty and so darn hot! probably our favorite beach! these army men came and "hung out" with us haha they were being a little weird! we packed up and had a dance party waiting for the bus! another kid came and "hung out" with us at the bus stop-man, where are the normal ones and why don't they ever come over to "hang out!" haha gosh, biggest regret-NOT kissing Polys! we came back and got ready. then, we headed to the caf for "the last supper!" we recorded and took pictures of every moment! everyone was probably like these girls are so weird! haha we got some good shots! then, we sat outside and hung out for a bit with Wit's brother and sister! Yao and Leo stopped by and said goodbye-i HATE goodbyes! we took one last joy ride in the Mustang around campus haha we ran into Sone (beautiful tree climber!) and his other tree climber friend (kissed Chelle's cheek on her birthday!) and they invited us to go to the Latin club dance! we went-they have it each week-and attempted to Latin dance! a couple kids tried to show us and then we went into the room next door for some girls surprise birthday dance! haha it was way fun, but we didn't even know her! Jake was there :) Chelle told him she needed to have a little "Mother Theresa" talk, but it's probably too late! ahhhh i'm in love haha jk at the end, they pushed us into the middle and we showed them allllll up haha not really, but it was fun and they were all laughing! the NZ girls were in their corner staring haha Jaym is going to become BFFs with them, cuz once she's through them, she can have the cutest boys in the world without getting beat up! haha jk we were going to go with Jameson, Matt, Adam, and them doing something, somewhere, somehow-they NEVER have a plan, "just go with the flow!", but we decided not to since we were pooped and had to pack :( Wit went and i guess they ended up sneaking onto the Pirate's of the Caribbean shoot at Turtle Bay and shook a couple pirate's hands! i packed and we talked and ate away all our sadness!!! then, we walked Chelle home for the last time :( :( we hugged-well, Jaymee just squoze us while she sniffed our heads over and over again haha and, she started up on her, "guys, just imagine..." story about her getting with all our men! haha going to miss her! we want to skype her and have reunions with everyone, of course! we are all "living through Jaymee!" we did a little V-girl cheer and walked back to our Hale! we saw Tavida walking home and he stopped and talked to us-he kept touching my arm haha! started and ended with Tavida! maybe i shoulda just went to Hukilau with him on the bike and then my goal could've been complete, oh well! we talked to Matt and them on the corner for a bit and the went in to bed for the last time! ahhh! i was going to wake up and go run and watch the sunset with Wit at 5:20 a.m., but we both slept in :( we tried to go to the caf for breakfast, but our meal plan has stopped-put a BIG damper on things-no caf for our final meal? ahhh man! i did some wash, we packed up, and then checked out! we put our stuff in Jaym's room!! we printed off our boarding passes and then headed to the beach for the last Hawaii tan of the summer! while walking there, we ran into JAKE-it was fate!!!! ahhh i got my hug and am satisfied! haha Chelle had her "Mother Theresa" moment and started to tear up after saying bye! haha it felt good to get some rays-i just wish the last day didn't feel like the last day cuz it is hard to enjoy knowing we are leaving! we got Subway, a drink at foodland, laid out a little, took some pics, threw away our sand mats :(, got some last-minute Macadamia nut gifts for friends at Foodland, and headed to our dorms-well, Jaymee's to get ready! we got ready real quick-just a little squishy and headed to the Coconut express! haha it was just a little van and two other kids rode with us! we filmed an advice video for Jaym and her for us! we said our last goodbyes and waived bye the entire time she was in sight! haha she teared up a bit and then Bridian came over and invited her to dinner and a movie-we're getting replaced :( haha jk we teared up a bit just leaving campus :( awwe man, we're gonna really miss this place! Jaymee Shaw: "WE ARE LIVING THROUGH YOU!"

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

BYU-H biggest regrets....

Coulda, shoulda, woulda been us every night! seeing this EVERY night :) haha

we have had the BEST time here at BYU-H and the most amazing experience, but if we could go back in time (blah blah blah) we would....
1.) all take the night show spotlighting job. hands down! biggest regret ever! haha that every night would just top it off-maybe it was a good thing! haha
2.) realize the caf food is NOT that bad... eat up, cuz it won't kill you! haha plus, use the Seasider flex dollars throughout the term, not just the last day-it is the bomb!
3.) NOT kissing a Poly :( haha after having "Jungle fever," i think it could've helped! maybe not! haha
4.) Hike stairway to Heaven at 3 a.m.
5.) Sleep/Camping on the beach
6.) Try surfing/paddling

Jungle fever. x10.

Package #3! Finally, a PCC pic with Jake!
Mochi balls and last PCC night :( Signatures please!

tonight was our last night to the PCC (unless we just HAVE to go again tomorrow night!) haha it was only the fourth time or so and i can't believe how much better it gets after each time ahhhhh! we recognized more people we knew (got LOTS of good shots with the "ultimate zoom" haha LOTS!), and just about drooled the entire time. i think this Jungle Fever is getting worse-and the PCC night show does NOT help anymore! you know you are in love when you get a little emotional after realizing it's your last time to the PCC night show haha :( and i'm not an emotional person! like Jaymee always says, "...the blacker the berry, the sweeter the juice. i can tell it ain't so, but darlin what's the use? the darker the chocolate, the richer the taste. that's where it's at, no baby run and tell that!!!!" hahaha :) i was taking pics of J in every outfit and the last one, he came over to our side (we were on about the 5th row cuz we moved down from our other ones at half time haha the lady gave us the best seats we've had yet, but we still moved farther down for a better view haha!), and right then as i was taking ANOTHER picture, he saw us and got all bashful ahhhh! haha he walked off after when we were telling him we wanted a pic and then came back out and started shaking people's hands like that's what he came out for haha so we got a couple pics-it was hard, and he told us no FB-he's so embarrassed it's funny, but we got um-sweat and all (which he was embarrassed of too, just no smile haha but we'll take it!! his phone died, but we decided to hang out tomorrow! we stopped at the gift shop afterwards and got some postcards with Fehe and Henry on them and a keychain for keepsakes haha the PCC is where it's at (i dunno why it took us soooo long to realize it! that's where all the hunks are haha and we thought there were non-sheeeesh!) on our way home, Fehe and Funaka signed them for us! Fehe had his arm around me and one of their girls was like "Fehe, remember you're taken!" yeah, his facebook says he is ENGAGED! haha we came back to my room and talked about the night, okay more like drooled! haha the RA had to come remind us it was past 10, so it was quiet hours... AGAIN! we ate all our treats from my mom's package and sat on the corner for a while! the other side corner ("our corner") was already taken and they kept looking at us haha Alexis told us how Karl accepted her FB friend request and then deleted her as a friend (yeah, FB drama all the way haha jk). we were like what, and then all a sudden i thought, "You put 'got what we wanted, ready to bounce' as your status the other day no duh he did!" haha we were laughing pretty hard-that's kinda sad too! haha well, he got some kisses too so he shouldn't be too butt hurt! we talked to Tauva and she said she could get us into the haunted lagoon they're having during the night show in the lagoon for this Japanese group that's paying them and also the PCC tomorrow night! we walked Chelle home for the second to last time :( everything is coming so fast (i swear just last week it was going by slow and we were almost ready to go home and now we are dreading it!), it's sad! we were thinking about how the first week we were here we kept thinking, "We have SIX whole weeks here-this is going to be soooo long!" and then it just flew by and i would give anything to have another couple weeks! there are so many things we'll miss, most of all everyone here :( earlier today, we woke up and ate at the caf-ahhh we're even going to miss it! haha i remember not even daring to drink the milk (i had swore i'd never drink out of a public milk machine), eat the eggs, try any of the main dish, etc cuz it seemed a little gross, but now it's all FREE GAME! haha we went to Hula and took our written test-all perfect 10's on the practical! and the written wasn't bad! we videoed the dances and got a pic with Auntie Char-she is soooo hard about getting pics, gall! haha we studied a little and took our D&C test-not too bad! we checked our mailboxes and got a package from my mom with lots of treats! haha Mmmm except now, we're all on a little sugar high-all the flex dollar junk food from the Seasider and now this (and it's all in my room's "food cupboard!" (Ash's old desk top!) haha). we studied more in my room, ate lunch and the package food, and i took a nap! then, we gave up and just went and took the New Testament test! not too good of scores, but i think the whole class will probably get around the same and he'll curve up like the midterm! it was tricky and looooong! (75 T/F questions!) we went to the caf for dinner and sat with Jingda and Jevan :) ahh he is so nice and friendly! we're going to definitely miss the "real men" here haha forget the white boys, where are the toned, bronzed, big, gentlemen men! haha but really. we had a cereal eating contest-totally dominated that one with THREE WHOLE bowls of Captain Crunch, no berries whoopdy-doo! haha i think they gave up since "you know who" was there! now they owe me an Angel's ice cream! i am going to miss our cereal after every meal and for THE meal when the food is gross! i saw a gecko in the bathroom today and screamed bloody murder. then, Chelle and Jaym saw one in my ROOM-first one/thing in here to be seen and it's almost the last day haha i'm still going strong-keeping my eyes half closed! haha great day! Alexis leaves tomorrow :( and tomorrow is our LAST full day here... ahhhhhh!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Aloha 'Oe

Gonna miss our "family!"

BYU-H 17th Ward FHE! Yao and our chopsticks and card from the ward!
Yao and RAJ!!!!!

tonight was our last FHE-well, Chelle's and mine! :( man, we are going through some withdrawls right now! it hasn't really hit me until tonight when they sang "Aloha Oe" to us:

Ha`aheo ka ua i nâ pali
Ke nihi a`ela i ka nahele
E hahai (uhai) ana paha i ka liko
Pua `âhihi lehua o uka

Aloha `oe, aloha `oe
E ke onaona noho i ka lipo
One fond embrace,
A ho`i a`e au
Until we meet again

that made us want to cry! all their cute Asian voices, gosh we are going to miss them! haha we played the funniest game-"telephone charades"-where there are three people that go out of the room and the rest of the people pick a location, profession, and murder weapon. then someone acts it out to person #1-once person #1 gets it, he/she gives a high-five and moves on until he/she gets all three. then, person #1 does it to person #2 and so on! it was soooo funny trying to act out a plunger for the weapon and the great wall of China (haha the Asians couldn't even get it-it was a hard one haha and it was funny when they squinted their eyes with their fingers to try and figure out it was Chinese!) we all tried it! Chelle went out with C.C. and it was really good one-on-one time i guess haha she is falling more and more haha ahhh so little time though! we seriously have been considering staying/coming back winter semester (she has the great Business program at BYU holding her back and my job and major holding me mostly back!), and we might just have to! Wesley wasn't there though! the lesson was on priorities and the dessert was ice cream from Barbara-the best! Yao gave us all little chopsticks and everyone signed us a card that they gave us and then sang "Aloha Oe!" we took tons of pics and even more with Yao and Raj!!!!! the card is sooo cute-reading it made us wanna cry again haha everyone is so sweet! we walked Chelle home, studied D&C with Barbara (tried to make up songs for all the sections we have to memorize about! today, we went to class-passed our tests in Weight training-yay! very impressed with how we've improved and totally "bulked up!" it was our last class of New Testament haha funny to say, but am really gonna miss Brother Muhelstein's sense of humor! we spent the rest of our flex dollars on junk food and tried a Acai bowl-very different tasting and not as good as we were expecting-but then again could just be because it was from the Seasider! i dunno why we left all this to the last day-my sandwich was soo good and could've came very handy on those days that the caf was way too much to handle! haha oh well! i'll put it on the list of things to remember! we went to the beach and got some color! we also buried ourselves in the sand and Marie helped make us into mermaids! Nolan joined us and we sung "Part of your world..." (Little Mermaid) to make our music video we wanted! we built SLC (in a nutshell) temple square with the temple, tabernacle, conference center, trax, U, and mountains! it was pretty darn good too and titled "SLC meets Laie! haha Chelle's face got the most again-she even put on sunscreen! people are mean when they comment on it haha i don't think they realize how mean it is! we went to the caf soaking wet, got ready, and then went over to FHE! good day, but sad at the same time! :(

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Goodbye BYUH, nice knowing you :(

this is our last week here and we are pretty bummed about it! we have to:
-checkout of our lockers in the locker room Monday
-give back our mail keys Thursday
-withdraw from school Thursday
-request transcripts to be sent to BYU Thursday
-checkout of the dorms early Thursday morning (10:00 a.m.)

We go to church...

Skyping Michelle! Zzzz on us? 17th Ward get-together!
Our visiting teach-ee, Tina!!! Mmmm Hmmm!
Pimpin ride!

the nightly ritual-"our corner" Oh, Henry!

today is the Sabbath-best day ever here! our ward is the BEST ever-we are going to miss everyone there :( we always have the best speakers in Sacrament and sunday school lessons! today, Raj gave the lesson-no worries, we came prepared this week! i feel bad cuz no one speaks up to help haha i think everyone has a hard time with English, so they get kinda scared-so we did most the talking! Jaym and Chelle announced our little "ward get-together" in Elder's quorum and after church, we got visit taught! we went to the caf and then took naps and worked on pics! we skyped Michelle for a bit too-we just can't separate for too long-it's too hard! haha everyone thinks we are connected at the hip, and we are! we went to the caf for dinner and then went to our little ward get-together! it turned out great!! there was dessert and one of the counselors brought bean dip that was a hit! our ward is so loud and funny haha i loved it! we took pics with Raj and Yao, of course and then did a little visiting teaching to Tina! we went out to meet Wit on the corner and she pulled up in a white, convertible MUSTANG! we all drove around campus again and again haha she was hoping everyone that hated her (NZ girls) would see-maybe even P-diddy! some of the kids on the other corner told us to turn our music down cuz it was the Sabbath. we dropped it back off at her brother's little condo-they are visiting for the week and let her borrow it for a couple minutes! we walked home and then had a little talk on the corner! Mel joined us and tried to set us up with his friends-the usual haha he must think that's ALL we want or that's all they ever want! Henry joined us too of course (when there's one, there's all!) and talked/sung our ears off-love him! haha we walked Chelle home, he asked if i was Latino, taught us some Tongan (cuz it bugs when they just start talking in their language in front of us cuz we know it's about us haha!): Fefe Haka? (How are you?) Sybe! (Good!) Alua! (Goodbye-leaving!) and something with a elele haha. we went in for bed and called it a night!

rain, rain... GO AWAY!

Heading to the beach... beach stuff and all! Spotted blondie again! Sack lunch on the beach...daily!
Writing in the sand! we were TOO much fun for Jaymee haha :)

:) Inception!!!

today was quite the day! woke up at 5 a.m. out in the courtyard (well, i pulled an all-nighter cuz someone had my pillow and bed taken over haha Jameson!!) and headed back to our rooms to sleep until five-to-ten to sack our lunches and get some breakfast! we felt like a train had hit us all... except Jaymee and Alexis-they slept in their dorms the whole night haha we got ready and went down to the beach. the clouds were dark and thick the entire day-not so good for laying out, but great for napping! we took lots of pics of writing in the sand and then slept until like 3:30 p.m. we did some laundry, got ready, went to dinner, and then went and say inception-holy deep! it was sooooo intense! kinda over my head, but really cool haha never thought so much about dreams and all that jazz! we got some ice cream at Angel's and "discussed" it! we went to Foodland for some goodies and dessert for tomorrows "Ward social" that Yao and Raj turned from a little us-get-together to our whole ward haha it should be fun! we went to watch a movie, but the guys have to be out of the lounge by eleven and Ky had Jin coming so we went out on the "corner" to talk! Tommy, Matt, and them joined us and of course Marie-she is hilarious! she came to the beach earlier too and just sat there while we napped haha love her! we called it a night-early church tomorrow... last Sunday :( last everything from here on out dang it! haha not for Jaym though!

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Hale Iwa for the last time :(

Matsumoto's round 3! Hale Iwa!!!
Pizza Bob's pizza! :) Mmm candy!
finally, arcade anyone? Jaymee was in HEAVEN! night under the stars! (in the courtyard!)
two men, stolen pillow, and a uk!

today, we woke up and got some breakfast! it was SOOO full with little choir kids-just about as crazy as when EFY was here last week! we hung out for a bit-me and Jaym went and ran some errands-and then we went to lunch with everyone and headed for the bus. FINALLY, it came after a couple hollers haha not too scary at all-we were just about to start hitch hiking until it came (#55)! we shopped a bit in Hale Iwa, got some matsumotos (condensed milk on top and ice cream in the bottom is the BEST! for only like three bucks! haha), walked around a bit, went to the bathroom in THE SCARIEST bathroom i have ever seen, took a nap on the beach-perfect weather (kinda overcast the whole day), and then got some dinner at Pizza Bob's-really good, but took forever to get! then, we headed back to the bus and stopped at Foodland for some candy on the way home-have already ate almost half and am getting sick, but can't stop haha! we had NOTHING to do (of course, on our last weekend!), and hadn't heard about our camping going down-would agree with the fact that we got "stood up" by the NZs! so, we went to the arcade! it was sure happening! haha Marie and Adam with his new girl-Mariama came and we played a little table tennis around-the-world! walking back, pooped for the night, we came across Adam and Jameson sitting on "our corner!" we stopped and talked for a bit while Jameson serenaded us with his Ukulele! we still wanted to "camp out" under the stars-some more persistent than others, but we all didn't want to miss out on the fun even though it didn't sound too fun at the moment haha it was cold, going to rain, and just not the right time and place-we tried looking for somewhere we wouldn't get caught by security in the middle of the night, so we decided on the courtyard in between Hale 3 and Hale 5 (a.k.a. the "awkward couple courtyard" since tons of couples sit out their every night haha mixed kinds of people too!) we got our stuff and met the boys out there-i put down my sand mat and pillow and ran back to get more sand mats for everyone and Jameson took over my bed! he wouldn't move and so i had to sleep in between the two boys all night with Jameson on my stinking pillow and bed! haha i didn't know how to tell him other than "nicely" how to get off, cuz he wouldn't listen, so i just went without a pillow! me and Adam pulled an "all-nighter" and talked the entire time-probably annoyed everyone haha! Jameson started snoring in my ear and i plugged his nose! i fell asleep a couple times for a sec, but it was so UNCOMFY! it rained a couple times on and off-not too bad thank goodness, but it was freezing rain! i wasn't cold surprisingly-probably all the sweats and two body heaters next to me did the job haha i don't know if i would say it was worth it, but it was still fun and now we can check sleeping under the stars under the list! fell asleep to the ukulele playing in my ear and also woke up to it too! haha jk kinda! Adam was really cute and we talked the entire time and saw tons of shooting stars! all the sudden the sun started coming up and they had to leave so we all went in to bed at like 5:30 a.m. to sleep for a little bit more until breakfast! Jaymee and Alexis didn't join us, but Marie did! definitely paid for it the next day! good thing it was a chill sleep-on-the beach kinda day!