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Created by OnePlusYou

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Plan B

It's me AGAIN! haha someone needs to start bloggin too cuz sitting at work, blogging by myself for nine hours is getting kinda old! But, I thought we should have a plan B (always a good thing to have!) just in case I fail the math class haha it's been quite some time since I've taken math--Junior year in High School--so for plan B: REL 341 LDS History (online), REL 235 Achieving Eternal Marriage (MWF 12:10-2:20), Music 102 World Music Cultures (online), Music 103 Music Fundamentals (MWF 9:50-12:00), PHYS 100 Concpetual Physics (MWF 2:30-4:30), Math 97 (online, but it doesn't count as credit :( ), BUSM 201 Introduction to Commerce and Enterprise (online), BUSM 201R (meet with advisor to-W 6:00-7:00) or ACCT 201 Into to Financial Accounting (MWF 9:50-12:00) OR try to get into REL 212 New Testament 2 (TTH 12:10-2:20), PSYCH 111 General Psychology (MWF 7:30-9:40), Math 110B (if she'll let us-Stats wasn't possible-MWF 9:50-10:50), ASTR 104 Principles of Astronomy (big waiting list-MWF 9:50-12:00), EXS 185 Folk Dance of the Pacific (waiting list-TTH 8:40-9:40), or EXS 177 Fitness for Living (wait list-MW 8:40-9:40). EXS=1 credit, REL=2 credits, Others=3 credits (Math 110A=1.5 credits). AHhhhh classes! Hopefully we can take Math 110B online so we can get the full credit for the class :)

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