Valley girl's playlist!

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Created by OnePlusYou

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Aloha, Mahalo, and all that jazz!

Here's some helpful Hawaiian phrases so we can be part of the "culture" in no time! haha maybe Tatiana can help us out :)

Aloha au iaoe - I love you! (most important for those Poly men!)
Aloha - Hello and Goodbye!
E 'olu 'olu 'oe? - Please?
Mahalo - Thank you (nui loa-very much)
Aloha Kakahiaka - Good morning
Aloha Auninala - Good afternoon
Aloha Nui Loa - Good evening
Pehea 'oe? - How are you?

1 comment:

  1. Allie--great translation tips--you're the best!!! I was trying to do a post--but i cant figure it out---i think you are the only one that can post things!!! 1 day and counting!!! XoXo
