Valley girl's playlist!

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Created by OnePlusYou

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Classic weekend. 'nuff said!

Where to even start!? This weekend was memorable for sure! haha Thursday, got back in the groove and went to class like little school kids do! We watched the Lakers vs. Celtics game-dang those Lakers! Thursday night, we went and worked out at the gym with Whitney and Kylie-we should hang out there more often haha jk We went and got ice cream at Angel's afterwards, so that just gained it right back! Friday, we woke up and finished our workout for weight lifting. Then, we got ready and went into Honolulu for some shopping at Ala Moana! We spent like two hours in Forever 21-well just Chelle, Jaymee, and Me-while Ash got a little more in! haha Then Nordstroms and that was about it! It was the BIGGEST mall I have ever seen! Every store imaginable on like three whole levels! I was in heaven, but it was almost too overwhelming! We got some good buys :) haha some more than others and we did NOT spend too much :) hahahahaha jk " least you'll look cute!" and Jaymee's infamous "...that was the demon guys!" whenever she has to deny something! haha But, it was what I call... FUN! We listened to all 6 songs they play CONSTANTLY on their radios: California girls, Airplanes, OMG, Break your heart, Cool down, IGYB, and that is about it!! haha Jaymee kept getting "My first kiss went something like this: muah and twist, muah muah and twist!" in my head hahaha! And her other famous saying: "We were destined for each other!" We went to a noodles place with Laurie and her fam! They took us to Cherry on top afterwards-so sweet of them! I think I could easily steal one of their children and take them home with me-they are so darling! We came home thinking there wasn't too much left to do-and it was only 8:00 p.m.-yeah, NOTHING to do here in Laie haha-but, little did we know the night was still VERY YOUNG! As we were talking about what to do with Whit and Ky, this huge group of Poly's walked by! Kylie asked if they were going to do anything fun that night and i almost peed my pants haha but they said yeah and invited us to this Tongan dance with them! We were like sure!! We went and changed into dresses and then waited at "the corner" for them to come pick us up-they were obviously running on "Hawaiian time" cuz we were scared they had stood us up haha then, all a sudden they pull up in their "stylin mini van!" haha We squoze in this beat-up van and headed off for this dance they said! I thought it was going to break down on the way-and so did they haha they were like, "Keep praying girls!" It was and adrenaline rush :) I think their names were Fehe and Rodney (two thumbs up!!). Mel came too! We walked in to this ward dance and about died-everyone was sitting in this huge circle in the cultural hall-all Tongan and then there was us-these five white girls haha They spoke Tongan, so we kinda tried to act like we knew what was going on! They would randomly put on a couple songs and some people would go to the middle and start dancing-of course, we couldn't pass up dancing so we were right there in the middle holdin down the dance floor haha I wished I was Tongan right then! The van died or something, so Fehe told us to go with Henry (Oh Henry! haha VERY talkative and entertaining!) in this truck! He felt so bad and was so sweet to make sure we were taken care of haha they kept apologizing for not having everything as well planned but we were like, "Hey, this is fun and we're out on a limb tonight!" We all hopped in the back and drove out of the parking lot as the rest of the ward members yelled something in Tongan haha probably something like, "Dang Haulis!" Once we got back, we hopped out and walked over to the little hang out spot and talked! I forgot his name, but one of the Tongans asked me to go on a bike ride with him-of course I could not pass up this opportunity-so I did, as creepy as it might've been :) We fell in love! haha jk I don't even remember what he looked like haha or his name dang it :( I sat on the handlebars as he pedaled away! It think he was trying to hold my hang, but how the heck was I supposed to do both?? haha I just held on the handlebars VERY tightly! I was scared I would fall off on the speed bumps! He said I could lean my head back, and I said, "Uhhh, I'm alright!!" haha We saw my "secret true love" on the way and he said something in Tongan!! haha I finally got it out of "Bike kid" and he said that "Travis" said to be nice to me! :) I dunno if that's really what he said or not haha! He asked if I wanted to go to the beach and I was, "WHAT!? Right now?" He said I could change into beach clothes if I wanted (I was still in a dress-yeah, on a bike haha my mom would KILL me!). I just kinda ignored that thought-don't think that would be too smart of a choice haha but as we were coming back, his friends yelled, "Hukilau!!" which is a beach and "Round two!" haha I jumped off and this girl was yelling at him in Tongan-who knows what! He probably took her bike or something haha I feel like the locals hate us sometimes-cuz they probably do-I try to imagine how it would feel if all these people came and took over "Our island!" haha But, once you get to know them, they're very sweet!! Very honest! haha That was about it for the night-total CLASSIC! Just wish I could remember his face or name cuz we see all them in the Caf and don't remember to smile cuz we know them or not haha! We walked Chelle home that night and star-gazed for like 5 minutes to end the perfect night! Leo came and talked to us too! I can't keep all these names straight-but good thing we have 4 of us to hopefully remember 1 of their names-feel bad for them though! Saturday, we woke up and sacked our lunch at breakfast! We went to the store and got some stuff to make cookies! Creepy man grunting at the store-ewwwww! We picked up Whit and Ky at their ward barbeque and headed to Waimea for the hike and laying out! We took SOOO many cool pics on the hike-I felt like I was in Jurassic Park or something cuz it was so tropical and pretty! It was free if you worked at the PCC and you could bring a friend-all the more reason for Me and Jaym to get a job as a waitress (like Whit) at the PCC! haha We swam in the waterfall lake up at the top and then headed down and went to the beach for a bit! We laid out and it kept sprinkling, which felt so good for a bit, but then would get really cold and take your breath away! It was still so sunny thought-it was the weirdest sensation! haha It's been kinda stormy the last couple days, but still very hot! I can only stand to sleep with a sheet, if that! haha Me, Jaym, Ash, and Whit all jumped off the rock! I touched the bottom-it kinda scared me, but it was so fun! We packed up our stuff, and headed back! We all took showers, got ready, did some laundry, went to dinner, hung out and watched YouTUBE videos, and then went to TOY STORY 3!!! It was so cute, I loved it!! It even made Me, Jaym and Whit cry, and I don't cry!! haha I just wished the toys would've stayed in Andy's family dang it! :( So, me and Jaym thought we should make a Toy Story 4 and the toys will go back to Andy's son! haha We saw Brett on the way out and talked to him a little bit! We are excited for them to help us surf!! We walked home hand in hand singing, "You've got a friend in me...." and called it a night :) Today is Father's day and we went to our ward! It was really good! Jaymee and Chelle were happy. End of story! haha Chase gave a talk in Sacrament and taught us the different "shakas": mega shaka, mini shaka, normal shaka, and the full-body shaka! haha In Relief Society, we stood up and said one thing we loved about our father's. Phebs gave the lesson and told us a story of her dad, so of course once I started tearing up and was first, all of us did! haha Everytime I go to church here I fell SOOOO blessed because a lot of the people here come from really hard backgrounds or are the only converts in their families! We met our visiting teachers, home teachers, and even got callings haha I am the Music coordinator for Relief Society (my piano teacher was right about always having a musical calling after taking lessons! haha oh well, I like it!), Jaymee is the Birthday coordinator, and Ash was called as the Enrichment night leader! She is planning on going home Wednesday :( "DON'T LEAVE US!!" We will sure miss her, but she is very homesick, so whatever is best for her! After church, I skyped my fam and then we went to lunch! Now, everyone is taking naps :) haha still haven't seen cockroaches or geckos in our room like everyone else keeps saying! Just trying hard to keep our eyes closed and not look too hard! So far, so goo except Chelle has heard some geckos outside her room and has seen 2 cockroaches in her room! But, GOOOOOOOD WEEKEND!! I.G.Y.B. (i got yo back!) :) p.s. We attempted making cookies. Best cookies ever made only need a half a can of pumpkin, spice cake mix, and bag of chocolate chips. Didn't have a can opener, so we found a sketchy one in the naaassty kitchen and took it like a champ in my room. Mixed it all in a bag. Used Chelle's hand to scoop them onto some random pan left in there too! haha Pretty proud of us girl scouts! "Ain't nobody gonna stop us!" And, needless to say they were pretty good!

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