Valley girl's playlist!

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Created by OnePlusYou
Created by OnePlusYou

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Little bit of milk chocolate and fire... Mmmm Hmmm Polynesian men, topless.

My face the ENTIRE time! haha and Ultimate zoom!!!
Sand angel :)
Caught!!!! haha

Another great day in Hawaii! First night without a roomie-gets a little quiet and lonely haha! We started out with class-running to New Testament after a hard workout always gets me SWEATY! haha pretty nasty sitting in class like that, but at least the stake center, where our religion classes are, is very air-conditioned! We came home to change and HAD to check my email cuz it's Wednesday! :) We took off to the beach after scaring the daylights out of Chelle! haha She went to the bathroom as me and Jaym waited in her room. We had this GREAT plan to scream and act like there was a gecko (that she is very paranoid about) in her rrom and it actually worked! She was freaking out haha We didn't tell her until way later and she thought we were so nice to tell her--love you Chelle!! We thought it was a grand idea to lay out on temple beach up on the little ledge. Yeah, I feel very spoiled that I wanted to complain since the sand was sticking to my tanning oiled body cuz it was a little too windy for "lay-out" wheather! The waves were crazy and kept splashing up on us! haha We have it so hard here! :) Naahh... We came back, had some munchies (the caf was so SICK tonight, so we had pineapple and that's about it!), got ready, and went to dinner. Then, We all headed to the PCC with Whit and Kylie with our PCC seasons passes!! Pretty sure I realized what I've been missing and am going to go everyday since I can! haha WOW!! We walked around, got some rockin tats on our necks, and just about drooled watching the show-"Breathe of life," but is was more like "Take your breathe away cuz of hot Poly men with there shirts off" Oww oww! haha but really. We spotted Fehe, Mel, Rodney, Henry, and Jake! Thank goodness for my "ultimate zoom" cuz we got some pretty good pics and video clips! haha We saw Jaym's S.L.-don't worry that he is the model guy to take pictures with when you walk in hahaha We just about died! We went and took some pics afterwards on stage and then went to Angel's for ice cream-$2 twist cup is the best! :) Walked home and had a pretty good talk about Friday and what's going down with the dance and MY S.L, not Whit's..... Mmm Hmm! JUST KIDDING! We practiced our Hula dancing-Sarah joined us! We have a test tomorrow, wish us luck!! We have been practicing up the wazoo-eat, sleep, drink hula is how we roll! Jaymee is the fb queen of finding people-haha caught her redhanded tonight! Good friends, good company, not good food, but good men and GOOD NIGHT!!!!! :) Later fools!

1 comment:

  1. hahahaha oh my goodness you guys are such creepers and I freaking love it! Miss you girls.. skype soon?
