Valley girl's playlist!

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Created by OnePlusYou
Created by OnePlusYou

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

"Bulkin up!" and "Hula-in it off!"

Last night was the BEST!! Let's just say 6 days of PB & J and pineapple gets a little old! I have been craving some beef and we went to pickup the car registration from Laurie and Josh and they surprised us with dinner! We had yummy boiled and cooked short ribs with the yummy teriyaki sauce! I never knew you could even broil meat, but it made them very tender :) Mmmm! We went to "Cherry on top" again! Today, we woke up and went to weight training. Yeah, you heard it right, WEIGHT TRAINING! haha We had to weigh ourselves and then calculate how much weight we had to lift with benching, leg curls, etc. haha that sounds so manly--but we are going to get ripped! New Testament was good today--should maybe study a little harder for the quizzes haha it seemed kinda hard today-good thing it didn't count! Brother Muhlstein seems very smart! We had a paper due this morning--already! haha It was pretty easy, so we did it real quick this morning! We have just been hanging out since! We need to read our D&C homework-seems like it'll be a very easy, but good class! Our teacher is a full-time missionary with his wife! Elder Barksdale is his name! We need to also practice our Hula! haha It was such a fun class yesterday-like 25 girls and the teacher-Auntie Char (she is from New Zealand and has a STRONG accent so it sounds like Auntie Chaawww)-is hilarious! haha She offered to make us our own Hula hawaiian skirts if we tell her what color we want and pay $30-great steal eh?? So, she is going to make all of us one and we want her to teach us how so we can make our own one day too! haha She is this old lady that is so straightforward and speaks her mind! What we learned:
-"The bigger you are, the more graceful you can become with Hula!" haha so eat up I guess!!
-"Weight is the most important factor" You have to shift it and all that jazz-pretty intense!
-"Make it look natural"
-Bend your legs
-Follow your arms with your head
-2 drum sound: hands up
-drum and tap sound: legs bend
-counts of 6

Dance steps--the basics :)

**K-A-H-O-L-O...... Kaholo! This is the most basic step in hula! Go side to side and bend legs, arms go to the side you are going to!
**H-E-L-E...... Hele! Stand in one spot and legs go out alternating!
**Wy..... forgot the name of that one! Lift right foot, lift left foot, lift both heels

First dance we learned..... some Polynesian (real polynesian name haha not Hukilau or "American Hawaiian songs" she called them!) name!

-16 times W...
-Back (right foot) and Forth (left foot) W...
-16 times Hele
I think haha it was hard to remember and say the words, while dancing... Pretty sure after this class, we will have be multi-taskers, great hula dancers (maybe the PCC will want to hire us haha jk), TONED legs (it was harder than I expected), and have a pretty keen sense of humor cuz hopefully Auntie Char will rub off on us! haha

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