Valley girl's playlist!

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Created by OnePlusYou

Sunday, July 18, 2010

rain, rain... GO AWAY!

Heading to the beach... beach stuff and all! Spotted blondie again! Sack lunch on the beach...daily!
Writing in the sand! we were TOO much fun for Jaymee haha :)

:) Inception!!!

today was quite the day! woke up at 5 a.m. out in the courtyard (well, i pulled an all-nighter cuz someone had my pillow and bed taken over haha Jameson!!) and headed back to our rooms to sleep until five-to-ten to sack our lunches and get some breakfast! we felt like a train had hit us all... except Jaymee and Alexis-they slept in their dorms the whole night haha we got ready and went down to the beach. the clouds were dark and thick the entire day-not so good for laying out, but great for napping! we took lots of pics of writing in the sand and then slept until like 3:30 p.m. we did some laundry, got ready, went to dinner, and then went and say inception-holy deep! it was sooooo intense! kinda over my head, but really cool haha never thought so much about dreams and all that jazz! we got some ice cream at Angel's and "discussed" it! we went to Foodland for some goodies and dessert for tomorrows "Ward social" that Yao and Raj turned from a little us-get-together to our whole ward haha it should be fun! we went to watch a movie, but the guys have to be out of the lounge by eleven and Ky had Jin coming so we went out on the "corner" to talk! Tommy, Matt, and them joined us and of course Marie-she is hilarious! she came to the beach earlier too and just sat there while we napped haha love her! we called it a night-early church tomorrow... last Sunday :( last everything from here on out dang it! haha not for Jaym though!

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