Valley girl's playlist!

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Created by OnePlusYou

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

We go beach?

Friendly note to Marie! Tauva-top security! haha

Butt-spelling game! Caught Jaymee in her room checking someone out on FB haha!

same ol same except today we started testing for Weight training! yeah, our grade depends on how much we can lift haha kinda funny! but, we did good! after classes, we ate our lunch on the lawn, put some sticky notes on Marie's bike (the Pais Pais one gave it away! haha), and headed to the beach to catch some rays! Totally saw Kalani again :) ahhh! Chelle texted J for me and he still hasn't text her back hahahaha shoooot! jk he's probably just dancing away in his luau and night show! we walked the long walk back home and the security lady hunted us down cuz we (well Jaymee of all people haha) were NOT in standards! haha she pointed Jaymee out "especially," but was nice enough to give us a warning since we are "new!" we changed, went and got some grub (sloppy joes tonight and they were actually pretty good haha funny how now we eat anything cuz we've given up with the caf!), topped it off with some cereal, saw Raj (today he wasn't as chipper :( dang it!) talked about Piltzy-poo (he is being SOOOO strange so wit scared herself out of texting him to confront him about it all haha and Alexis talked to him earlier and he just kept saying "i'm not looking for a girl..."), did our D&C assignment (so easy i love it!), and got ready for the night! we couldn't find Tauva to see if going to the PCC was still on so we walked to Angel's and got an ice cream! of course, on our way there the silver hatchback pulls up and the girls get out haha we're trying to kill um with kindness but they don't like us very much! we saw George (beautiful voice! ahhh) in Angel's with two other girls and once we came in and said hi the one girl made them go outside haha i think they hate us cuz our skin haha lil bit of a barrier i guess. or the blonde hair haha wit's roommate thinks her hair looks like "Barbie hair!" we came home and sat on the corner-naturally hahaha jk cuz our "plans" fell through not finding Tauva and the boys too tired to come so we talked and played the "spelling a word with your butt game!" Marie was the best at it! Jake came and joined us-still no text but Chelle talked to him and he is soooo bashful i love it! haha and, Wesley drove by honked, and stopped to talk for a sec (Jaymee's heart dropped hahaha), and travis rode by on his bike! wow, with our luck! haha Tauva rode past on her bike too and we talked to her about going into the PCC and she is a little rebel-you can tell she's thought this one through haha i'm excited to "ride the canoes through the tunnels" she says! ahhh glorious night! and, Kylie had a good one with Jin! :) even though we're "2-6" (definitely should've taken the Hukilau offer on the bike ride with "Shark boy" hahaha jk jk), Alexis is still holding strong and keeping us "alive!" Piltz is OUTTA the picture now-we don't speak his name haha on our way to the beach earlier, we talked about how we have probably forgot how to drive cuz it's been so long and we're probably going to speak broken English! haha all this Pigeon is getting to us! "We go beach!?"

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