Valley girl's playlist!

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Created by OnePlusYou
Created by OnePlusYou

Sunday, July 11, 2010

"Just another day in paradise...."

Laie Falls hike!

DJ J with our "boombox!" LITTLE waterfall-we made it 2 hours later!


Sidewalk chalk-thank you Kenson!

Brother and Sister Barksdale "Ya see!" Sunday night games!

Yesterday, we woke up after sleeping in just a little and got breakfast. Then, we headed off to Laie falls hike-Barbara joined us :) Eric wanted to join, but we told him it was just a girl's trip! we thought it would just be a quick easy hike, but we thought again four and a half hours later! it was fun though! we were sweating up a storm, rolling up our shirts and shorts! Barbara wore flip flops, so she took them off and hiked barefooted-poor thing! haha it was really sandy and hot at first and then near the top it got very muddy and trees were everywhere! it was so pretty to look off the side and see the ocean a ways out! we finally made it to the falls after hiking down the scariest part in our lives haha almost slipping to our death (i'm sure!) a couple of time! the waterfall was WIMPY for that long of a hike, but that was okay we had a little dance party, took lots of pics, had a good little talk, and hiked back down! we were sooooo thirsty and STARVING once we made it down so we went straight to subway and all got and ate footlongs each! we were SO full after, but it was yummy! we saw Piltz on our way there and Wit went running after him to say hi-it was cute! haha what's with HER luck?!? we went home, took a LONG nap, went to dinner, showered, did some wash, and then sat out on the corner at 9:15 sharp! no one walked by that we were expecting :( haha Kenson (airport man) sure did right as we were talking about sidewalk chalk and he happened to have sidewalk chalk his mom sent him for a date idea!! haha so, we drew ourselves on the road and had some childish fun! felt good to be like a kid again! the silver Mazda 3 kept driving by-Wit's enemies from NZ-and yelling "cute!" haha we got some vending machine goodies and called it a night! Today at church, Yao spoke, Raj said the prayer, and Chase taught the lesson-wow what a great Sunday! haha Wesley was VERY nice too :) all we needed to see was Jake (or Trav or G) and it would've made the day! haha oh well! we went to lunch after and sat with Alex (Gummy bear from the other night-talked a little more surprisingly) and Piltz (very shy or something, maybe just overwhelmed that six white girls came and sat around him!) haha! Joel joined us too-New Zealand is where it's at! haha except I think their girls really despise our guts! just trying to kill um with kindness! haha now, nap time!

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