Valley girl's playlist!

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Created by OnePlusYou
Created by OnePlusYou

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Drama. VG Drama.

Drama, drama, drama! That's ALL my life is! So, Michelle got assigned to some random room in Hale 2--I know who does that?? We called them yesterday and they said "No changes." No changes??? What are we supposed to do without her, I mean we CAN'T just let her stay with some random hawaiian girl every night--what if she makes her eat pig every night, or even worse puts cockroaches in her bed?? This is r.i.d.i.c.u.l.o.u.s. absolutely ridiculous. Well, I think Chelle is going to call again today-it can't be that hard when we haven't even moved in yet! Plus, she still hasn't got into beginning Hula yet either (she's number one on the waiting list)--everything is falling apart! This can't be happening to me! Okay, maybe it isn't as bad as I just made it sound--I'm sure everything will still work out. I guess we'll just have to take it like the Valley Girl's motto: "Life is good!" (anyway!)


  1. Thats right Al! LIG LIG LIG LIG LIG LIG LIG~~ hahaha im gonna call Hawaii riiiiight NOW!

  2. LIG!!!!!!!!! Chelle just tell them that you are famous and you will bad mouth BYU Hawaii on all Spoon Me napkins if they don't change it! Haha I love and miss you girls!

  3. hahaha Sky we MISS you!!!!!!!! but that sounds good...i WILL haunt them FOREVERRRRRRRRRRRR! :)

  4. HahA I miss you too!! Lets SKYPE!! SOON!!!
