Valley girl's playlist!

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Thursday, May 27, 2010

Beware of pests!

So, looking through the housing guide, I came across FIVE pages of information about pests! AHHH haha: Ants, Termites, Flies, Maggots, Geckos, Fleas, Mites, Bed bugs, Rodents, and Cockroaches--you name it, they're there! It gives identification, prevention, and treatment information--oh great! And, they will probably all be in my room so I'm bringing traps! On the coackroaches section, it mentions there are EIGHTEEN species of cockroaches in Hawaii-haha all I hear is horror stories with those dang things--this is going to be an adventure!!

Hawaiian Barbies!




Class schedule finalized!

This will be us after Beginning Hula... absolutely pro!
Hard time finding classes since summer term, they have NOTHING! haha but, finally we decided to go with (and see if we need to change once we get there!
Beginning Hula TTH 9:50-10:50 a.m.

Doctrine and Covenants TTH 12:10-2:20 p.m.

New Testament MW 9:50-12:00 p.m.

Math 110A MWF 8:40-9:40 a.m.

Fro? Same, same!

So, I'm a little scared what my hair is going to do in the humidity cuz it gets a little high maitenance, but then I thought more about it and I think I'll fit right in. So, I'm just gonna let it be everyday! Me and the fro... haha kinda like the Hawaiian Ken and Barbie dolls :) Maybe they'll ask me to help out with the luaus! haha jk

#1 Goals for Hawaii:

Note-worthy goals for Hawaii:

1) Find a Poly boy
2) Fall in love with a Poly
3) Bring home a Poly
4) Become a Poly
5) Have Poly babies

haha anything else? Nope!! :)

-Allie's Poly boy, Ashley's Poly boy, Jaymee's Poly boy, and Michelle's Poly boy :)

Monday, May 24, 2010

Snow in May? Yeah, good thing we're going to HAWAII in a week!

I woke up this morning, looked out my window, and saw snow!! Are you kidding me?? It is May!! Good thing we are heading out to Hawaii next week where it will be warm!! :)

Thursday, May 20, 2010

What to pack!??

So far, for the packing list:

-mattress cover
-pillow case
-towels (beach & bath) and wash cloths
-ethernet cord
-sun hats
-clothes and stuff
-suntan lotion and sunscreen
-bug catchers
-tennis rackets!
-backpack and school supplies
-iPod, speakers, connector, and charger
-running watch and band
-exercise/tennis clothes and shoes
-camera, connector, and charger
-phone and charger
-flight ticket/info and BYU-H info
-$$$: books, treats, sites, etc!

Official Hawaii Countdown: 2 weeks, 14 days, 336 hours, or 20,160 minutes!

Hawaii is calling our names-ahhhh can't wait!! A couple things on the to-do list still: Finalize classes, pay tuition, talk to Tatiana :) haha Chelle's roommate, pack, get bedding stuff, buy some summer dresses,clothes, summer hats, swimsuit, suntan lotion/sunscreen, and some bug catchers. These next two weeks are going to fly by and before we know it, we'll be on a beach in Laie!!!

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Drama. VG Drama.

Drama, drama, drama! That's ALL my life is! So, Michelle got assigned to some random room in Hale 2--I know who does that?? We called them yesterday and they said "No changes." No changes??? What are we supposed to do without her, I mean we CAN'T just let her stay with some random hawaiian girl every night--what if she makes her eat pig every night, or even worse puts cockroaches in her bed?? This is r.i.d.i.c.u.l.o.u.s. absolutely ridiculous. Well, I think Chelle is going to call again today-it can't be that hard when we haven't even moved in yet! Plus, she still hasn't got into beginning Hula yet either (she's number one on the waiting list)--everything is falling apart! This can't be happening to me! Okay, maybe it isn't as bad as I just made it sound--I'm sure everything will still work out. I guess we'll just have to take it like the Valley Girl's motto: "Life is good!" (anyway!)

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Missin two of our valley girls

Well, four of us are heading to BYU-H, but we're still missing two of the valley girls: Jen and Sky! :( Can we make it 6 weeks without you guys?? I dunno if we can--thank goodness for Skype!! "Skype Sundays" will definitely come in handy! LOVE YOU! :)

Thursday, May 6, 2010

I'll be the first one to post a comment on our new blog. Well, let's face it, our co-workers blog, our friends blog, our families blog, now we just have to blog! So, write about your life, your boyfriend, your EVERYTHING for that matter! BYU-Hawaii here we come!!!! Official countdown: 28 stinkin days!! :)